“What level is this? This feels good”

He chuckled “this isn’t a level, it’s just starting up.”

“Ugh.” I rolled my eyes trying to keep up with the belt as it whirled faster.

“What level do you do?” I panted

“The highest one,” he smirked “Fifteen.”

I managed five minutes on that machine. Five. Minutes.

It was a death trap. I was never going on it again. Hobbling off it I bent over panting whilst I tried to catch my breath.

“That’s a good starting point, each day you need to up it by thirty seconds.” Ty said as he walked back to the house with me, sweat dripping down my face.

“I’m not getting on that thing again.”


“I’ll run around the compound but not on that killing machine,” I said as we went through the front door. “My legs are burning.”

“You should have a cold bath,” Ty said as I stumbled up the stairs “it helps.”

“Yeah, okay whatever.” I spluttered.

Cold bath.

There was no way I would be doing that.

What was today? Torture Kaylee day?

Chapter Twenty-One

I rolled out of bed the next morning with a moan hoping that I wouldn’t be put through that again, my body ached in places that I didn’t think it could ache and my leg was feeling a little tender.

I jumped in the shower, plaited my hair to the side and got dressed in my black jeans and t-shirt. Ty had given me a pair of combat boots “better for the job” he had said, so I pushed my feet inside them and took a few steps to test them out. They were comfortable and in better condition than my poor chucks.

After getting dressed I went and woke Eli up, gave him his breakfast and got him ready for preschool. Luke and Kitty were waiting for him outside the house by the car belting him in I gave him a kiss and watched as they drove through the gates.

Ty met me on the porch and we walked over to the warehouse together, having to jog to keep up with his long strides. My heart beat a little faster at the grin he flashed me when he saw me trying to keep up.

“How you feeling this morning?” he pulled open the warehouse door and waved me inside.

“Sore” I moaned as I walked toward the office.

“You should have had that cold bath like I told you” He snickered.

“Hey!” I spun and pointed “Don’t laugh at me” crossing my arms I looked away.

“Sweetheart,” he whispered taking a step closer.

“It’s not nice.” I whispered back.

“I wasn’t laughing at you.”

My eyes moved back to his, as they begged me to believe him. They pulled me in until I couldn’t breathe, the depths promising me things that I could only dream of.

He moved closer until we were almost touching. So close but so far away, if I moved a fraction I would be touching him. I watched his chest rise and fall with a quick breathe, I knew that this was affecting him as much as it was me.