Those first couple of seconds I was blissfully unaware of what had happened then the memories flashed in my mind. They came thick and fast, flashing through my mind on a constant reel. I didn’t want to remember what Max had done. I tried my hardest to push them away but they wouldn’t stop.

I startled when I heard footsteps come toward me, a soft voice saying “Sweetheart, it’s just me”

I opened my eye and stared into chocolate brown ones. Not evil green ones. The memories fell away, the longer I looked into his eyes the more grounded I felt.

“Ty?” I shivered, I hated the anger that flashed in them.

“Hey there, sleepy head.” He said softly with a lopsided smile.

“Hey,” I croaked back and tried to sit up.

I winced at the pain and lay back down, on the couch in the office. Gritting my teeth I w

as ready to try again when Ty’s hands came under my arms and lifted me up. His touch so gentle.

“How you feeling?” he asked when I was up against the arm of the couch.

“I don’t know.” I answered honestly.

And I didn’t.

I felt like I was wading through a fog that was very slowly lifting.

I was so tired, all I wanted to do was sleep but something was nagging at me.

I just couldn’t think what it was.

“Luke stitched up your leg.” Ty said as he crouched down beside me.

I lifted the blanket that covered my legs, my jeans were cut all the way to the top of my thigh.

“He doesn’t think anything is broken but you need to take it easy.”

I looked back at Ty and blew out a breath. I hated that he was seeing me like this, I felt exposed.


“The bruising on your face and neck will take a couple of days to come out,” he continued.

I shifted a little, trying to get comfortable, the arm of the couch digging into my back. Ty watched me with narrowed eyes, then stood up.

He walked across the office and wheeled the big office chair over.

“Come on,” he said and bent down to pick me up.

“I’m fine.” He ignored me and lifted me up, placing my arms around his neck I groaned at the movement.

“You’re okay sweetheart” he whispered in my ear, I nodded as he set me down holding in the sob that desperately wanted to come out.

He turned and picked up the blanket off the floor placing it over my lap. I could breathe a little easier now that I sat up properly. I loved this chair.

“Where is everyone?” I asked trying to distract myself. The place was silent, the door to the office was open and I couldn’t hear a thing coming from the warehouse.

Ty shuffled his feet and looked away.


“I sent them to see if they could find Max.”