“Where do I put this?” I held up the radio that he’d given me in the office.

“On the left of your belt there’s a holster for it.” I looked to the left but couldn’t see one big enough for it.

“Toward the back.” I twisted to the side and found it, pulled the flap open and pushed it inside.

I felt Ty move to the other side of me and looked up to see what he was doing.

“Just gonna put these-” I nodded at him and pulled the wire from the radio up to my neck.

“Baton on your right, spray next to it and cuffs in the back.”

“Will I need the cuffs?”

“Better safe than sorry,” he said. I agreed, but I had no idea how to use any of this stuff.

“Is that pepper spray?”

“Yeah.” He nodded and moved back to the table.

“I’ve got you a bullet proof vest.” My eyes widened as he held it up.

“Could I get shot?” I gasped.

He looked down and shifted on his feet. I’d never seen him so uncomfortable.

So… nervous.

“Well, it can be dangerous sometimes.”

“Corey,” I said out loud. The look on Ty’s face said it all. “He talked to you didn’t he?”

He shrugged and picked up the last thing

on the table, a small notepad with a pen pushed into the spirals at the top. I took it from him and pushed it into the last pocket next to the radio.

“I can’t believe he would-”

“He’s just looking out for you,” he said in a firm voice. I wanted to tell him how ridiculous it all was, but it was best to keep my mouth shut.

“I don’t even know how to use these.” I waved at the belt, its heaviness surprising me.

“You’ll learn,” he said and sat down.

“But what’s the point if I can’t use any of it yet?” I sat down in my usual seat next to him.

The belt stopped me from leaning back so I perched on the edge of the chair. It already felt uncomfortable, I didn’t know how they wore them all day.

“You need to get used to how it feels.” I guessed that made sense.

We had our usual meeting. All the guys commented on how I looked. Now that I knew what was on my belt, I noticed the different things that they had on theirs. They each carried a stun gun on their belts and a gun concealed somewhere else. Ty was the only one who had one on his belt, although I suspected that he had another one somewhere else.

I’d have to remember to ask Ty about that later. Then I thought better of it, I didn’t know if I’d have the guts to fire an actual weapon.

Everyone moved when the meeting ended, Ty said he needed to get the case file we would be working on today and headed for the office.

Evan walked to me and held out two devices, I took them and raised a brow at him.

“That’s a camera.” He pointed to the bigger one “It’s got loads of memory and is covert enough that it can be mistaken for a phone.”