We were happy.

I couldn’t help but think about how different my life could have been if she was still here. Would I have Eli? If I did, would I be in the position I was in now?

I knew that I loved Max, he was the father of my child. But was I in love with Max?

I wasn’t so sure anymore.

He was the only person who would have me. Not that I would have been able to leave even if I wanted to.

I’d thought about it several times, mainly after he’d just hurt me. But one apology and a promise that he wouldn’t do it again and I forgave him.

Those apologies had started to dwindle into nothing, and now I knew not to expect any acknowledgment afterwards.

This was my life and I had to carry on the best I could. For Eli.

Me and Eli took the warm cookies into his bedroom with our glasses of milk and settled on the bed in our pajamas.

That was how I woke up the next day, with a sore neck, cookie crumbs all over me and Eli snoring in my ear.

I looked around at what had startled me awake and closed my eyes when I couldn’t hear anything. Just as I was falling back to sleep I heard the phone ringing.


Only one person would call on a Saturday at this time.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen, listening, trying to find where the sound came from. I grabbed my bag, there was so much stuff in there that it took an eternity to find the goddamn thing.

“Hello?” I panted.

“Kay?” I slumped in relief and popped my head into the living room.

Max was still here. I wouldn’t be able to talk to Corey in the apartment.

“Hey, Corey.” I smiled. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good.” I could hear voices in the background as I crept into the hallway.

“How’s the job?”

I shoved my feet into my chucks and grabbed my cardigan.

“Good.” I put the latch on the door and went out into the hall. “I got offered a permanent position yesterday.”

“Yeah?” If I closed my eyes, I could almost see the grin on his face.

“Yeah.” I pulled the cardigan over my shoulders. “Hold on a minute.” I balanced my phone on the banister and shoved my arms through the sleeves.

I picked my phone up. “I’m back.”

“So, do you like it? Everyone treating you good?”

I thought about all the guys. I had never laughed so much, especially when I was around Evan. Kitty was fast becoming the best friend that I’d never had. Luke was still grumpy but he’d gotten a little less frosty with me lately.

And Ty. I didn’t even know where to start with Ty.

“Yeah, I love working there,” I walked down the hall and watched the apartment door.

“You like working in the office?”