“I won’t,” he growled and grabbed my thigh bringing it up and over his hip.

I lost myself in his kisses and the rolls of his hips. My head thrown back. I didn’t have a care in the world.

All that mattered right now was the way he was making his way to my lips, and the touch of his hand as it slid further up my thigh.

When our lips finally met, I moaned even louder. He opened his mouth, swallowing the sound and answering me with one of his own as our tongues slid against each other.

I never knew I could feel this way, so out of control but so in control all at the same time.

I never wanted it to stop.

I followed him as he pulled back. “Sweetheart.”


“Stop,” he groaned.

“Why?” I opened my eyes, studying his heaving chest.

“Because…” he whispered.

I frowned. Because? That was his answer?

He just told me that he wouldn’t stop and now he was stopping?

I moved my eyes to his, he told me so much with that one look.

“Fine,” I ground out and squirmed from underneath him.

My head spun as I stood too quickly.


“No.” I lifted my bag off the floor and walked toward the office. “Forget it.”


The next couple of weeks passed by quickly. I didn’t go out on another job with Ty, he’d offered but I thought it was best if we stayed away from each other for a little while. The temptation was too strong.

I often found myself thinking about the kiss or staring at him when he wasn’t looking, I would trace his face and stare at the tattoos that wrapped around his arms, wondering if each of them had a story behind them.

Instead, I went out with Kitty using the excuse we were getting to know each other better. She had an interesting life and often talked about the all places that she had been and all the people that she had met.

I noticed she didn’t talk about any family though. I’d asked her about them one day and she’d clammed up and stuttered for several sentences so I left the subject alone. Clearly, that was something that she didn’t want to talk about and I was okay with that. After all, I knew how it felt to not want to open up completely.

She let me take photos, I enjoyed it and found that I was getting good at snapping pictures of people. Even Luke said how good they were the other day, I had squealed like a little girl and jumped up and down. Luke didn’t give praise often, so when he did I knew he meant it.

The last couple of days I had stayed in the office to catch up on some paperwork. My office duties had slid since I’d been going out on jobs and I had several reports to type up. I was giddy with excitement that my name had featured on a few reports.

Ty had been out most of the day and had only come back five minutes ago. Kitty and Luke were reviewing some footage that they had captured and Evan was writing some computer code or whatever it was he did on that ten computer screen system.

I’d learned not to ask what he was doing. He’d start using all these big words that made my brain hurt.

“Kay,” Ty said as he hung his coat up and took his beanie hat off.

I watched his arms ripple as he lifted his arm to try and tame his hair.

“Yes?” I croaked.