“Come on, let’s go.” He headed for the door.

“Go where?” He grabbed his coat, turned to look back at me with a smirk kicked up on his face.

“Out.” He opened the door. “Were not done talking about this.” He pointed to my eye and walked off.

I scrambled after him, grabbing my coat and bag as I went.

“Evan get the phone if it rings.”

“What? Why? That’s Kaylee’s job.”

“Ah, don’t whine Evan.” I pinched his cheek when I got to him.

“What the-”

“Kay lets go.” I looked up to Ty, his jaw clenched again.

I rushed forward, ducked under his arm that held the door open and waited for him. He walked to the big black SUV, its rims a matte black, every window tinted. I pulled the door open when the lights flashed, placed my foot on the little step thing and grabbed the OS handle.

“You okay there sweetheart?” Ty said from behind me.

Right. Behind. Me.

I turned to find him holding back his laughter. It must have been sooo funny to watch me struggle to get up into this beast of a thing.

“Me and this OS handle got it. Thanks.” I jumped into the seat and Ty closed the door behind me.

“OS handle?” he asked when he turned the key in the ignition.

“Oh. Shit.”


“Oh. Shit.”

He turned his head to me, brows furrowed.

“The. Oh. Shit. Handle”

“Oh right.”

“No.” I shook my head “Oh. Shit.”

“Ha, funny.” He rolled his eyes at me then reversed out of the spot. The gates opened up and then we were driving down the private road that led to the compound.

I felt giddy with excitement, I’d never done anything like this before. I had to stop myself from bouncing in the seat on several occasions.

“So, what are we doing?”

“Just a quick surveillance thing.” I clapped my hands at that. The thought of watching people who had no idea they were being watched excited me.

Ty stayed silent most of the fifteen minute drive while I talked nonstop.

I told him all about my weekend, minus the Max thing. Eli and I had painted a picture on Sunday, my side was neat whereas Eli’s had been a big blob of about ten different colors all mixed together. The result was a dark gray kind of color. It always ended up that way.

“And when I picked him up on Friday, he painted me a picture for the office,” I said.

“Yeah?” He pulled the car to a stop on a little side road.