It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him that I just loved him. Everything about him. Then someone walked into the restaurant, gaining the attention of several people. I’d recognize that face anywhere.

After all I looked at it every day on the board.

“Daley just walked in.” I whispered.


“So what happened?” Evan asked the next day.

After Daley had walked in we had watched him, taken note of who he spoke to, and who he didn’t.

Eventually Ty joined him at the bar and an hour later we were all sitting around a table talking. If I didn’t know what this man was doing I would have probably liked him.

Apart from the obvious fact that he has lots of money and didn’t mind showing it off, he was quite funny.

We’d left without any solid leads but we’d made head way with Daley.

“He’s throwing a charity function next Saturday,” Ty grinned.

“Wait…who is?” Kitty leaned forward.

“Daley” Ty entwined his hands on the table “He walked in and we got to know him a little better” he smiled at me knowingly.

I smiled back, caught up in how much fun we had last night.

“Yeah?” Luke raised his brow.

“What’s the charity?” Evan asked and opened his laptop.

“Fund The Children.” Ty snorted.

Eli looked up at me “Can I have a drink mama?” he’d been playing with his cars quietly since we came in here.

“Sure sweetie,” I pushed back my chair and went into the kitchen.

I couldn’t stop thinking about last night. After we got back to the compound I felt shy and awkward, this was the point where on a normal date we’d go our separate ways. But we were going into the same house instead.

I expected him to leave me at the bedroom, but he didn’t. He lay on top of the bed fully clothed and we talked. We talked for hours, getting to know each other more.

He told me about his family, how they were quite well off which is why they knew who he was in the country club. He spoke about his brothers and how they were all in jobs that helped people, the forces, fire service and police force. The only exception being his youngest brother who was currently at college.

When I went back to the table they were discussing where to go from here.

“I think I can get close to him,” Ty said.

“You’ve got the perfect in,” Evan typed away on his laptop.

“This is what I’m thinking. Kay and I go to the charity function and see if we can find anything else out. If this is his front then we’re guaranteed to run into someone there.”

Eli climbed up onto my lap and laid his head on my shoulder. I didn’t want to ask what they had been doing all night because from the looks of it they had all been up.

“It’s gonna need all of us,” Ty turned to me “Maybe you could ask Miss Maggie to watch Eli?”


“We’ll pick her up during the day.” I nodded and wrapped my arms tighter around Eli.

“You’re going to need a penguin suit for the function” Kitty giggled.