down by his door and I scooted over as soon as I was in the car. He climbed in after me and started the engine but left the lights off. I could see two security guards sat in the booth as we drove past.

“You did good.” Ty said, I turned my head and saw the smile on his face. What I would do to see that smile.

“I love your smile,” I sighed, then grimaced when I realized what I had said and who I’d said it in front of.

Ty’s hand wandered onto my leg and gave a gentle squeeze before pulling back.

Ty switched the lights on, the only sound all the way back to the compound was the clicking of the keys coming from Evans laptop.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Evan had gone straight back to his cabin as soon as we got back to the compound, he spent the rest of the weekend cooped up in there going through all of the information that we had found.

I was so full of adrenaline that there was no way that I was going to get back to sleep anytime soon so I curled up on the couch and watched a film. Expecting Ty to go to bed or to his upstairs office but instead he sat on the couch with me.

That’s how I woke up the next morning, me laying down with my feet in Ty’s lap and his head leaning against the back of the couch.

Monday morning came around and in walked Evan with a face full of stubble and bloodshot eyes. He sat down, his eyes still glued to his laptop and his fingers flying across the keyboard.

“Coffee.” I placed my cup down and went back to pour another.

“Thanks,” he said when I sat down.

“You’re welcome.”

I closed my eyes breathing in deeply while we waited for the rest of the guys. It was a rare moment, one where I felt completely at peace. My life had been turned upside down, only now was it feeling like everything was settling.

I’d come to the realization that I couldn’t change anything that had happened but what I could do was not let it control my life. This was my life and I had to deal with what had been handed to me, my way.

“Mornin’.” I cracked one eye open and watched Kitty slump down in the chair opposite me.

Her hair was tied on the top of her head in a messy bun and she wore her glasses. I hated to say it but she looked a hot mess.

“Morning,” I lifted my cup, about to take a sip of coffee when she reached over and snatched it out of my hand.


“Mmmm, I needed that.”

“That was mine,” I moaned and got back up.

What was it with people and my coffee? I needed that to feel remotely normal. I was just pouring another cup when Ty walked past the kitchen, he stepped back and tilted his head at the table signaling the start of the meeting.

I followed him out and sat in my usual seat. Luke was now next to Kitty, grinning at me when I smiled.

He’d been a god send these last few weeks with Eli. The other guys were great with him but Luke was able to relate with Eli so much more.

I loved the bond they had. Eli needed good male role models and now he had three.

“What have we found?” Ty asked Evan who was still clicking away, the tapping of the keys loud in the otherwise silent warehouse.

“One sec,” he held up a finger.

The warehouse door opened a crack and they all jumped up, Ty’s hand resting on his belt signaling that he was about to grab his gun. I sat there with wide eyes and watched Luke rush to the other side of the door.

Charlie's face peeked through “Hey” he grinned.

“What the fuck?” Ty let his hand drop