“I’ll pick her up.” Ty said.

“Can I come with you?”

“Err…” his wide eyes shot to mine in panic.

“Who will help me cook if you go with Ty?” I smiled at Eli, it took all my strength not to shout no.

“Oh,” Eli nodded “Okay, I’ll help you mama.”

“Great,” I clapped my hands together turning back around in my seat.

“But what about Henry?”

“What about him sweetie?”

“Won’t he be lonely on his own?” he said, his face screwed up.

“Who’s Henry?” Ty asked.

“Miss Maggie’s cat.”

I turned back to Eli “Maybe we can ask Miss Maggie to bring him next time?”

“Really?” he smiled, his whole face lit up.

“Yes,” I smiled.

Ty pulled into his usual spot outside the warehouse.

“Luke!” Eli shouted.

And there he was waiting outside the warehouse for us, Luke’s face split into a wide grin and he made a beeline for Eli’s door.

“You did good,” he winked at me and undid Eli. “Want to go watch cartoons?”

“Yeah!” Eli punched the air and let Luke help him down.

“That okay mama?” Luke pouted.

“Yeah go on,” I rolled my eyes and jumped down from my seat “Dinner will be ready at six.” I shouted across the compound to them.

They both shouted back okay and went into Luke’s house.

Moving my eyes to Ty’s I said “Thanks for today” and moved closer to him.

“Which part?” he grinned.

“Oh jeez.” I flung my hands up in the air and walked ahead of him.

His deep throaty laughed following me into the warehouse.

I couldn’t contain the grin on my face.

Chapter Twenty-Two

I finished work early on Friday to get a start on cooking. We’d told all the guys the day before and they all wanted to come and meet Miss Maggie so that meant cooking for six and a half. The half being Eli.

Miss Maggie had practically squealed when she heard me on the phone and readily agreed to come to dinner. Ty had promised to pick Miss Maggie up and then they were going to go and get Eli together.