I didn’t want to get my hopes up but the thought of seeing Miss Maggie changed my mood slightly. That didn’t mean I wasn’t still pissed at Corey, I was, I so was; and I’d be sure to tell him just how pissed I was.

“Unless you want to go to her place.”

“No.” I choked out.

“Then invite her over for dinner”

I didn’t know how it would all work but I wanted to spend some time with her, I missed her. I’m sure that Eli did too.

“Okay,” I sniffed backing away a little.

Ty pulled me back into his embrace, his breath tickling my neck. I stiffened at first, but after a couple of seconds I started to relax.

“Corey’s not getting away with this” I warned.

“I didn’t expect him to,” he chuckled.

Corey wouldn’t. He was in the doghouse for doing that and I started to wonder if that was the only time he came back and didn’t see me.

Was that the reason he didn’t want any of his friends to know he had a sister, why he kept me in the dark about his friends?

He had some serious explaining to do.


> “Time for some training,” Ty said when the meeting ended.

It had been a couple of days since I found out about Corey. I refused to talk to him when he rang choosing to ignore him in the same way that he had done. Yes it may have been a little childish but I wanted him to feel what I felt. I still couldn’t believe he’d been so close and not even told me.

“Training?” I croaked. “Now?”

“Yeah.” Ty nodded

He stood up and walked over to the mats, the others following him.

Now? He wanted me to train now in front of everyone?

Luke pulled my chair out spinning me around.

“Just some simple self-defense again,” Ty said from the edge of the mats.

“Erm…okay?” I shuffled closer.

“Luke?” Ty tilted his head at the mats.

Luke moved onto the mats and crooked his finger at me.

“Wait? I’ve got to-”

“You need to practice.” Ty said.

“Can’t I do it with Evan?”

“No” he shook his head “You’re to used to him”

Ty moved onto the mats standing a few feet away from us. Widening his stance he looked between me and Luke.

“Luke, grab her wrist,” he grabbed my wrist, not too hard but enough that I felt like I couldn’t move.