Chapter Twenty-Four

I knocked on Kitty’s door and waited for her to answer. I’d wanted to ask her all day what all of this meant, what she thought Ty was thinking. But I didn’t want to say anything in front of the others so I’d waited until Eli was in bed and told Ty that Kitty needed to talk to me.

He frowned at me and asked me why I was telling him. When I told him that I thought I should ask him if I could go he opened and closed his mouth like a fish. Shaking his head I could see the anger building up behind his eyes.

“Go,” he had said and practically shoved me out the door. “You don’t need permission to do anything.”

So now here I was standing at Kitty’s door, waiting for her to answer whilst I had a mini melt down.

“Oh…Hey,” she said once she opened the door.

“Hey, can we talk?” I whispered.

“Sure,” she pulled the door open wide and waved me in.

I’d never been inside Kitty’s house. It was a small cottage with plants climbing up the walls and a garden path that was lined with potted plants.

The inside was just as small as the outside. Four doors led off the tiny hallway and I followed Kitty through the second, into the kitchen.

“Want something to drink?” she asked opening the fridge and pulled out a couple of beers.

“No thanks.” I shook my head and looked round the kitchen. It was tiny but it suited Kitty, the window over the sink looked out into the woods, much like in Ty’s.

“So, what’s up?”

“Uhh…” I swallowed and twisted my hands.

Now that I’d come here I couldn’t get what I wanted to ask her out of my mouth. I tried to clear my throat several times but each time I did and opened my mouth nothing would come out.

“You need to calm down chicka.” She nodded down at my hands noticing how I was wringing them, I took a deep breath and released them.

“Come on” she pushed through the door, I followed her into the living room trying my hardest to get a hold of myself.

This room was almost as small as the kitchen, I couldn’t imagine all of the guys being able to get in here at the same time. The image of all of them squeezed in this tiny room relieved some of the tension I was feeling.

The walls were covered with black and white striped wallpaper, all of the furniture mismatched but had that retro kind of look.

Quirky. Just like Kitty.

“Tell me what’s going on,” she sat cross legged in her wing backed leather chair.

“Well.” I sat down on the couch opposite her “Ty asked me out on a date.”

“Really?” she grinned.

“But it’s only to check out the country club, so it’s not really a date. I mean it’s like a fake date right?”


“I mean he wouldn’t be interested in me,” I rolled my eyes “We might have kissed but it was-”

“Wait, wait, wait,” she held her hand up “You kissed?” her eyes were wide as saucers.


“Start from the beginning” she sat back and waited for me to talk. “And don’t miss a thing out” she pointed.

How much did I tell her? What if Ty didn’t want everybody to know?