The front door opened just as I was dropping off to sleep.


“It’s me,” his deep voice responded.

“Oh hey.” I cleared my throat “I’m just going to put Eli to bed then I’ll clean the kitchen.” I shuffled to the edge of the couch.

“I’ve got it,” he lifted Eli with ease and went up the stairs.

I watched him all the way up. How had I managed to find someone like him? Max would never have done that. He would have complained about us being on the couch and then shouted abuse at me which in turn would have woken Eli and disturbed him for the whole night.

It was a stark reminder how much my life had changed.

This is what it was like to be normal, to live with someone who cared.

Pushing up off the couch I walked to the kitchen and started to clean up the mess I’d left after dinner. My hands were in the bowl of water washing the dishes when Ty came in.

“You know we’ve got a dishwasher, right?” Ty chuckled.

“I know,” I rolled my eyes at him and washed a spoon “But I like to do it by hand.”

I put the spoon on the drying rack just before Ty leaned against it. He crossed his arms over his chest,

my eyes wandered before they met his.

I swallowed at the look he gave me.

“So this date.”

“Mmmm,” I looked away. He was so intense sometimes.

“How does Friday sound?”

“Yeah, sounds good.” I nodded and willed my voice to stay normal. I scrubbed the plate and placed it next to the spoon.

“Good,” he leaned forward and planted a kiss on my cheek. “Be ready at eight.” My eyes widened, he’d just kissed my cheek. I was so use to the peck he’d give me on my head that him kissing my cheek startled me. It was such a normal couple thing to do, but we weren’t a couple. Right?

It was probably all in my head.


Ready at eight? What did I need to be ready for?

“What for?” I turned, water dripping from my hands and onto the floor. I’d have to clean that up as well.

“Our date” he grinned and pushed open the door.

“Huh?” I frowned.

“Sweetheart,” he smiled, his eyes alight “I just asked you out on a date. You didn’t think I’d be taking anyone else, did you?”

“I…I…just assumed?”

“Be ready at eight,” he winked, walking out. I stared at the door expecting him to come back and say that he was joking.

This was for work though, so did that mean this was a work date or a date date.

I hadn’t got a clue turning back to the sink I was more confused than ever.