“Is there anything you could tell us? Or refer us to someone that could?” Harm asks, desperation in her voice. I can tell she loves this baby.

I pull my cell out of my pocket and dial Marina while holding up a finger to them as I relay the situation to her. I walk over to Tris’s desk and write down a few contact details she gives me before thanking her and hanging up.

“Okay, I have a few numbers for you to call and I’m personally getting on this case. There’s a lawyer in our firm has dealt with a few social cases before so I’ll pay her a visit and get back to you as soon as possible.”

Harm throws her arms around me. “Thank you so much, you don’t know how much this means to me.”

“To us.” Tris steps forward and grasps my shoulder.

“I’ll do everything I can to help you guys, but from what I do know, this could be a lengthy process to try and foster this kid.”

“Foster?” Harm asks, confused. “We don’t want to foster, we want to adopt him.”

I try to gage Tris’s reaction to this statement but I don’t see a flicker of doubt in his expression, I only see the same love and desperation pouring out of him as I do with Harmony.

It’s great to see my old friend back. “That’s incredible. You’re going to be an amazing mom, Harm.”

She tears up. “I just want this all to work out. I know it’s not going to happen overnight, but Frankie deserves a loving family.”

This is a big step for them both, they’ve only been together for a few months but I guess in the grand scheme of things, time doesn’t matter when you’ve found the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. But as much as I’m insanely happy for them, I’m also jealous I don’t have my arms around the one I want.

Speaking of… “I’ll make all the necessary phone calls and find out where he is when I get home from taking the kids out.”

“Thank you,” Harmony says as she dries her tears with a tissue Tris hands her.

Tris motions for us to step outside. “I want to come and see Amelia with you, with all this going on, I really want her here.”

I want to say he can’t. Today is mine and the kids’ day to try and get her back in our lives again and I don’t want him pushing her. But maybe having him there will help my case?

“Sure. Will Harm be okay here on her own?”

“She has to be at the studio in an hour anyway.”

“Don’t you have work, too?”

He shrugs. “I’ve been delegating and cutting back my time at the office since it’s summer. Plus, without Amelia around there’s not a lot of people I trust with my kids and Harm can only take them into the studio so many times a week.”

“You need time off anyway, you’ve worked yourself into the ground.”

He chuckles. “I guess I have. Why don’t you grab the kids and I’ll say bye to Harm?”

“Sure.” I head toward the kids’ rooms and tell them to get their shoes on before walking with them down the stairs, seeing Harm and Tris saying goodbye in the entryway.

“Eww,” Clay mutters under his breath.

“Right?” I say to him with a brow raised. “Get a room.”

Tris laughs and places one last kiss on Harm’s lips before she climbs into the rust bucket she owns.

I cringe at the squeaking of the door opening and closing. “How long until you buy her a new car?” He points to a brand-spanking-new yellow beetle in the driveway and I laugh. “Won’t take it, will she?”


Harm has always been bad at taking gifts if they cost money. In college she used to insist she was paying for dinner sometimes because one of us would pick up the bill the time before. We didn’t mind one bit but she always did.

When everyone is buckled into my SUV, I start the drive to the other side of town.

“I presume you got an address,” Tris states loudly over Izzie singing the song on the radio.