“Tris…” I groan, warring with myself and trying to hold onto any emotion I can, but it’s not working. They’re spiraling out of control and I can’t seem to grasp what’s going on. “It’s her choice.” The words taste bitter coming out of my mouth and my anger takes ahold of me, cutting him off before he gets a chance to say another word. “But if she is moving then did you think that it’s because she finally had enough of your bullshit mood swings?”

“Nate… I—”

“I’ve gotta go.” I don’t wait for him to reply as I hang up, instantly regretting my harsh words toward him as I scrub a hand down my face.

“Everything okay?” Marina asks, making me spin around to face her.

“I… no. I’m sorry, I have somewhere I need to be.”

She shoos me with her hand. “Go. I can take care of things here.”

I shoot her an appreciative smile before running toward the elevator that’ll take me down to the underground parking lot, tapping my fingers against the wall as I impatiently wait for it to come. I growl and run toward the stairs when it doesn’t show, leaping down them two at a time not able to get control over the hurt working its way through me.

I make it to my car and rev the engine as I peel out of my parking spot, waiting for the gates to open. I’m on the road traveling toward Tris’s house, not caring about my speed as I get out of the city.

My earlier thoughts swirl through my head: Was she really going to leave and not tell me?

I thought she loved working with the kids and living in this town, but I guess it just shows how much I actually don’t know her, no matter how hard I’ve tried to get her to open up.

I slow down as I reach Tris’s street, stopping at the end of his driveway. I lean my head against the steering wheel as I pull in deep breaths to try and calm myself down. I have to give her the benefit of the doubt. We both lead busy lives, so maybe she forgot she didn’t tell me?

When I have my breathing under control, I drive and park outside the expansive limestone house, climbing out of my car and walking toward the gate into the backyard. The pool house’s curtains are open and much to my dismay, there are packing boxes spread over every surface I can see.

Amelia comes into view, placing something into a box and my world tips upside down. Storming toward the pool house and throwing open the door, I gaze around the place.

Amelia jumps, her hand flying to her chest. “Nate! What are you—”

“When were you going to tell me?” I growl out, although it wasn't meant to sound as menacing as it did.

Her hand flutters to her neck, obvious distress flashing over her face. “I…” She shakes her head, pulling a mask over her features. “I don’t understand.”

Tilting her head to the side, she watches me, her brows drawing down into a frown. My fingers twitch, desperate to touch her but my mind is screaming at me to find out why she’s kept this from me. Why she’s leaving me.

I motion around us, kicking an empty box beside me. “You’re moving away, leaving Tris, the kids... me, and you weren’t going to mention it?” I clear my throat to stop the lump that’s beginning to form. “Do you know how selfish it is that I had to find out from Tris?”

“Wow.” Her hands slam down onto her hips. “I’m not moving away: I’m moving out.” I open my mouth to say something but she puts her hand up, stopping me. “And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you… but as you can see, I’ve been a little busy.”

I immediately feel like an immature asshole for reacting the way I have, but I’m still mad she didn’t tell me. For that she has no excuse. “A little busy? How about a quick message telling me you’re moving out of Tris’s pool house?” I lower my voice as I move closer to her. “I thought we were together, Lia?”

She blows out a breath, her shoulders drawing down. “I’ve been on my own for a long time, Nate. I just… I’m sorry, I should have told you.”

I pick a box up off the sofa and sit down, elbows on my knees as she sinks into the seat beside me. “So have I, so I don’t get your reasoning for not telling me.” I chuckle humorlessly. “If I eat a really good burger, I want to call you up and tell you. Something so insignificant yet I want to tell you everything.” I need to shut up, I’m starting to sound like a needy asshole, and that’s not me.

Her hand covers mine, her lips quirking up. “If you want to tell me about a burger then you can.”

I squeeze her hand. “And in the future, can you bear in mind that you should probably tell me something as significant as you moving out?”

“I will.” I wait for her to say more, staring into her eyes but not being able to see past the mask she’s covered herself with.

“Can I ask you something?” She hesitates but finally agrees by nodding slowly. “Why?”

“Why what?”

I let my gaze wander around the room. “Why now? I mean, I get the moving out part… kinda, but why are you quitting taking care of the kids?”

Her eyes close as she takes a deep breath, pulling her hand away. “I want to do something different.” She opens her eyes, staring into mine. “Now Tris and Harmony have worked things out: I’m not needed. It’s the right time with the kids finishing school for the summer.”

I stare back at her not believing what I’m hearing is coming out of her mouth. “You can’t seriously believe that? Is that what Tris has said?”