She runs for the door, flinging it open. I stand, following her and trying my best to smile at them.

Both of their lips are spread into grins and a happy vibe radiates off them. I find my own lips turning into a genuine smile at the look of them. It’s been so long since Tris has been happy, he deserves it in his life right now.

“Hey,” I say to Harmony as she follows Tris who is now holding Izzie, her arms wrapped around his neck.

“Hey, Amelia. How are you?”

“I’m… good.” I crack my smile up a notch. “I’m guessing things are great with you?”

Her gaze flicks behind me, her eyes shining bright before she answers. “They are.”

Closing the door, I see her step closer to Tris who is talking in hushed tones to both of the kids.

Walking a few steps toward them, I clear my throat. “I’ll leave you to it now you’re back.”

Hooking my thumb over my shoulder, I’m about to head out when Tris’s gray-eyed gaze meets mine, something in their depths stopping me.

“Sit down,” he commands, using the voice I’ve heard him use on the phone when he’s talking to someone at work.

“Really, Tris—”

He points to the sofa opposite him where the kids are sitting, staring at me. “Sit, we all need to talk.”

Taking a deep breath, I straighten my back and walk to the sofa, sitting next to Clay and watching as Tris and Harmony sit down, their hands clasped together.

“Some things are going to be changing around here.” My breath catches in my throat. I wanted to be the one to tell the kids I was leaving. I’m about to open my mouth to interrupt him when he continues, “Harmony and I are together now—”

“She’s going to be living here?” Izzie asks, her eyes wide as she shuffles in her seat in excitement.

“Not for a while,” Harmony tells her, moving forward. “But I’ll be around a little more for now and then…” She turns her gaze to Tris who is shaking his head at her.

“She’s moving in.”

“Tris,” she admonishes. “We need to talk about things—”

“Uh-huh,” he replies, a brow raised. “The outcome will still be the same, sunshine. I want you here with me and the kids. I want to come home to you, have you falling asleep next to me.”

I swallow at the intensity and start to wonder if that’s the same way Nate looks at me, if that’s how he feels about me. But it doesn’t matter anymore because to keep him safe I have to cut all ties. I feel the loss deep within my bones and tears spring to my eyes as I chant to myself to keep it together.

“Tris,” she whispers.

Cupping her cheek, he kisses her softly on her lips before turning back to face us. “As I was saying: things are going to change. Harmony is moving in, and I’m going to be here more. I’m sorry about the last couple of weeks, it’s my fault and I’m going to do everything in my power to make things right.” His gaze moves between Izzie and Clay. “Is that okay with you two?”

“Yes!” Izzie squeals, standing up and running at Harmony, flinging her arms around her. “You can teach me art on other days now, too.”

Harmony laughs softly, answering, “I can,” as she runs her hand over the top of Izzie’s head.

“Clay?” Tris asks after he’s silent for a couple of minutes.

“I suppose.” Clay shrugs, standing up and pushing his glasses up his nose. “Can I go up to my room now?”


“Tris,” Harmony interrupts him, placing her hand on his arm. “Let him go upstairs.”

Tris hesitates before blowing out a breath. “Okay.” As soon as he says the word, Clay walks out and up the stairs, Izzie jumping down and following him, leaving the three of us in the room.

Both of their gazes swing my way, Harmony’s bright and welcoming but Tris’s is the opposite.