I watch her go from open to the nervous person she was back in the car and I frown as Maya says, “Found you! Next time you should just go with your name though, it makes it easier for people to find you.”

Amelia’s muscles tense and she dodges mine and Maya’s gazes. “I… well… erm…” Her throat bobs up and down, silence stretching around us as she gathers herself. “I made it with Izzie and she suggested the name.”

“Wow, you have a lot of cookie recipes on here,” Maya states, ignoring what Amelia said.

I seem to be the only one that’s noticed her change in behavior, and perhaps to someone that doesn’t know her her behavior could be chalked up to nerves. But I know her better than that. Those nerves from meeting my family were gone, this seems like she’s acting strange for a totally different reason.

Could it be because Maya is searching on social media for her? What is she hiding? Or there could be a completely different explanation for her change in mood. Either way, I’ll be asking her about it later on.

Her head turns marginally, but her eyes don’t focus on mine. I know she can feel me watching her and is aware I’ll have questions, but now isn’t the right time to ask.

“Honey, I’m home!” Dad calls from the front door and it snaps me out of my thoughts.

I laugh at his saying that I seem to have picked up every time I walk into a house.

“Mick, we’re all in the kitchen,” Mom calls.

Amelia leans toward me, this time looking me in the eyes as she whispers, “Your dad’s name is Mick?”

“Well, it’s Michael but my mom calls him Mick. Why?”

She quirks her lip up, her mood flipping once again. “Mel, Mick, Maya… and Nate?”

I frown. “I have to say, I’m a little confused where you’re going with this.”

Just as Amelia begins to talk, Maya interrupts. “You’re the odd one out, stupid.”

Amelia bursts out laughing and Maya smirks, pretty proud of herself.

“What’s so funny? What have I missed?” Dad asks, walking through the kitchen door and kissing Mom passionately.

I turn away to give them some privacy, looking back when a hand lands on my shoulder. “Hey, Dad.”

“Hey, son.” I watch his reaction as his gaze falls on Amelia. “And who is this beautiful woman?”

Clearing my throat, I’m about to tell him when Maya singsongs, “It’s his giirrrlfriend!”

I shoot her a look I hope says, “Really?” before turning toward Amelia. “Dad, this is Amelia, you’ve met her briefly at Charlotte’s Christmas parties.”

“I have? Oh, I’m sorry, you must think I’m so rude.”

“No.” She waves her arm in the air. “Those parties are always hectic and I’m usually running around after Izzie.” She laughs, the tinkling sound bouncing off the walls. “She’s always starting up conversations with random people.”

“She’s quite the little character that’s for sure,” Dad replies, sitting down beside Maya. “Hello, youngest child of mine.” Maya gives him a grunt. “I hope you greeted our guest with more enthusiasm.”

I chuckle as Mom walks over and sits down beside Dad. “We’re getting better at deciphering her caveman grunts.”

“Whatever,” Maya mumbles, smiling at Amelia. “They don’t remember what it feels like to have a life.”

“There’s life outside of your phone,” Dad interjects.

“Yes, but all of my friends are on social media, Dad. You get it, Amelia, you’re young.”

I splutter out a cough. “Maya, that’s rude.”

“What? She is young; younger than you three anyway.”

Amelia smiles softly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “I get what it’s like to be a teenage girl, it was only ten years ago I was your age.” She leans forward, hooking her thumb in my direction and lowering her voice. “It must be hard with an older brother like that.”