“How about we start with my parents? Ease you into it before telling Tris?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Even though the idea of meeting his parents scares the hell out of me; telling Tris while he’s in his current mood won’t go down well. It’s not that he has a say, because he really doesn’t, but he’s like family to me and I don’t want to upset him.

He slams his lips down onto mine, sealing the deal we just made and pushes me against the wall of the elevator. Moaning as his hands thread through my hair, I push my hips closer to him, seeking him out again. There’s no doubt in my mind we’ll be doing a repeat of what we did at the waterfall. His hands dig into my ass with a bruising grip and I relish in the feel of it, squeezing his tense bicep muscles.

The sound of the doors beeping as they start to close has us both snapping out of it. If it wasn’t for that and the threat of ending up back in the chaos upstairs, I don’t think we would have stopped.

“How does takeout sound?” he asks against my lips.

I sigh happily. “Sounds like perfection.”

“Good, because I don’t think I can wait any longer to get you in my bed.”

I lay my hand on her knee as we pull up my parents’ driveway, the white colonial standing tall in front of us. “Lia, calm down.”

She bites the side of her thumb, finally turning her gaze to me. “I can’t help it. I’ve never done the whole ‘meet the parents’ thing.”

I pull her hand away from her mouth and place a kiss on her knuckles. “There’s nothing to be nervous about, I promise. There’ll be no intrusive questions or asking to spill your secrets, they’re just excited to get to know you.” She blanches and turns her head away from me. “Lia, what’s wrong?”

She’s silent for a beat, staring out of the window. “I…” Clearing her throat exaggeratingly, she turns back toward me. “Nothing. Let’s do this.”

I worry my lip before climbing out of the car after her. There’s something she’s hiding and it’s taking all my effort to not have Holland do some digging around. I know I can’t invade her privacy though, but that’s the only thing from stopping me giving him the go-ahead.

Ever since we made this “official” I’ve been wanting her to trust me and let me in. I guess for her when she agreed to come with me tonight it was her way of letting me know she trusts me. She’s a private person so it means a lot that she’s willing to let people know about us and welcome my parents and sister into her life.

I reach out and entwine my fingers with hers, walking up the steps. Her fingers tighten around mine as my other hand brushes the door handle. “Smile, beautiful.”

She graces me with a carefree smile and I push open the door, instantly greeted by the smell of home cooking.

“Honey, I’m home!” I shout through the house.

“In the kitchen, hon,” Mom’s melodic voice floats back.

We walk through to the kitchen and Mom smiles wide at us both, her hands clasped in front of her. “Would you look at you both.”

She pulls me in for a hug and I kiss her cheek as I pull away. “Hi, Mom.”

She reaches out and pulls Amelia into an awkward hug. “Nice to see you again, Amelia.”

“It’s nice to see you again, too, Mrs. Cole,” Amelia replies, pulling back, her cheeks heating.

Mom keeps her hands on Amelia’s shoulders. “We’ll have none of that ‘Mrs. Cole’ business, Mrs. Cole was my mother-in-law, God rest her soul. Call me Melissa, or Mel, whatever suits you.”

I cross my arms and lean against the counter, watching their interaction.

“Okay.” Amelia smiles softly. “Thanks for having me in your home, Mel.”

“It’s my absolute pleasure.” She links her arm through Amelia’s and leads her over to the wooden table, sitting down on the bench next to her. “Do you know how long it’s been since my boy brought a woman home?”

“Mom,” I groan.

She turns to face me with a cheeky grin on her face. “What?” She looks back at Amelia. “Never. He’s never brought anyone back here.”

Amelia’s wide-eyed gaze turns toward me before she looks back at Mom. “Never?”

“Never, so you must be special.”