“Fantastic. Thanks, Murphy,” Nate says as Jamie presses a button on a black object in front of them.

“Peters, how good of you to call.”

“Stop pussyfooting around, I’m a busy man. What do you want?” a gruff voice spits out of the speaker, making me cringe.

“Word is you’re Mrs. Kent’s attorney.”

“Cole,” the voice growls back.

“Fine.” Nate stands with a file in his hand, drawing up to his full height and even I lean back from the opposing gesture. “Mrs. Kent is in a lot of trouble, Peters.”

I screw up my nose at the sarcastic laugh flowing from the speakers. “And why is that? It’s your client with the domestic case against him.”

Nate grins at me, winking, before looking back at Stacey and nodding. Stacey leans forward. “Mr. Peters, this is Stacey Wainwright, first chair for Mr. Kent.” There’s no reply so she continues, “Your client has falsified this whole case. As Mr. Cole said, she’s in a lot of trouble, but we could make this all go away.”

As I watch Stacey working, the jealousy I was starting to feel fizzles out. Maybe all she’s concerned about is the case? Maybe I’m having a brief wobble because I’m so out of my element? I feel like an elephant walking a tightrope.

“I have no time for games, Ms. Wainwright.”

“The only one playing games is your client,” Nate interjects, his voice deepening. “We’ve uncovered two pieces of new evidence that if released to the press or presented in court would be very damaging.”

They’re greeted with silence and during the next ten seconds—I counted—they all seem to have a four-way conversation with their eyes.

Mr. Peters finally sighs. “What do you want?”

“Drop the charges against my client.”

“Absolutely not. Domestic violence is a serious offense!”

I lean back in the chair, my eyes searching Joe’s. Is this man here because he hurt his wife? Nate wouldn’t bring me here if there was any danger, I’m certain of that.

“Of course… when there’s actually domestic violence involved,” Nate grinds out, his hands braced against the table in front of him. “Drop the case, Peters.”

I swallow as the atmosphere in the room changes, Nate’s demeanor nothing of the relaxed person he was a few hours ago. There’s a tense few seconds before the voice on the line says, “Go to hell, Cole,” and we’re left with a beep.

“Well that didn’t go down well,” Joe interjects, his lips pulled down and his brows low on his forehead. I have no idea what all the ins and outs of this case are, but from the sadness that radiates off him, I’d say he’s been caught up in something with no knowledge how he got there.

Nate claps him on the shoulder smiling. In fact, him, Jamie, and Stacey are all smiling and I’m left as confused as Joe.

“We have him right where we want him. He’s rattled and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on his way down here now.”

“Well I’ll be,” Joe says, leaning back in his chair.

“We’ll have this charge against you dropped and your name cleared very soon, Mr. Kent,” Stacey replies, quirking her lip up before she turns to Nate. “Thanks for being here for that. I hate Peters.”

“He’s a real asshole, but be prepared because he’ll be on his way down here. Get Nina to make extra copies of everything,” he says, his gaze flicking toward me before moving to Joe and shaking his hand. “Joe, it was a pleasure to see you again.”

“You too, Nathan. Tell your father to contact me and we’ll all go for lunch sometime.”

“Will do.”

As soon as Joe leaves the room, the air around us changes.

“Mr. Cole?” Stacey stands up as he turns around and for some reason I’m pushing up off my chair too. The thought of her being close to him does something to me—makes me feel irrational. Her gaze flicks to mine before she connects it back onto Nate as she asks, “Are you not staying?”

He’s not looking at her though, he’s staring into my eyes as he replies, “Nope, I have dinner plans. You’re more than capable of handling this yourself.”

She clears her throat. “I’m okay to make the agreement?”