I’m so busy staring up at the stars looking like moon dust has been scattered in the sky I don’t realize she’s turned her head to face me until she clears her throat. I slowly tear my gaze away from the sky to look at her basked in moonlight, hitting off the soft features of her face in all the right ways.

“It’s such a nice night,” she says, followed by a slight shiver.

“I’ll go grab you a blanket.”

She smiles softly, sipping her wine as I run in and grab the first blanket I see in the living room before walking back out and draping it over her legs.

“Thank you.”

I sit down and lift my arm, coaxing her to lean into me. She does and I immediately wrap my arm around her shoulders.

“This is so relaxing,” she tells me. “I feel like I could fall asleep right here.”

“It is. I’d say this has been a successful second date.”

“Mmmhmm. It really has,” she replies sleepily.

We stay like that for a while, both of us soaking up the atmosphere and the beauty of the natural elements around us.

When my glass is empty, I bend down to pick up the bottle for another refill, moving my eyes from the flames roaring in the fire pit.

“Oh, crap!”

Her head snaps up at my gruff tone. “What?”

I run a palm down my face and hold up the bottle. “We’ve drank all the wine.”

She raises a brow, not understanding what the problem is. “So…”

“So… I’m now well over the limit for taking you home. I got caught up in the moment and didn’t even think about having to drive you back.”

“Ahhh.” She sits up from the comfy position she’s in. “It’s okay,” she says softly. “I can call a cab.”

I bite my bottom lip, my gaze drifting over to my house. “Or you could stay here… no strings attached. You can take one of the guest rooms.”

My gaze connects with hers and I feel like I made a huge mistake by offering when she doesn’t answer me. We agreed to take it slow, to let things happen how they’re supposed to and not rush anything, but I don’t want her taking a cab back to her place. It’s way too late.

But will having only a few walls between us be too much?

“I…” She finally starts, clearing her throat. “Yeah.” Nodding after it’s out of her mouth, almost as if she’s confirming it to the both of us. “That’d be great. I may need to borrow something to sleep in though.”

I blow out an audible breath. “I’m sure that could be arranged.” I pull her up into a standing position, leaving the glasses and wine bottle where they are as I lead her back into the house, closing the patio doors behind us.

Her gaze whips back toward the doors, doing a double take, her eyes widening. I frown, looking out the doors, not seeing anything, before I ask, “What’s up?”

She stares for another beat, almost as if she’s searching for something before shaking her head, pulling her gaze away and pushing a smile on her face. “Nothing, just thought I saw a rabbit.”

“Probably. They always come out at night.”

She nods again but there’s something in her eyes that has me titling my head. I want to ask her what it is, but when she closes her eyes and opens them back up, it’s gone. Did I imagine it?

We walk into the hallway and I subconsciously find myself taking her to the guest bedroom directly facing my room—or maybe it wasn’t so subconscious?

Opening the door and turning the light on, I face her. “I hope this is okay.”

She peeks inside. “It’s perfect.”

“Awesome. I’ll go and get you something to sleep in.” I walk over to my door before turning around. “You know where the bathroom is if you want a shower or anything. Towels are in the closet of your room.”