Shaking my head, I stand up, pushing my shoulders back and grabbing my purse off the coffee table on my way out.

I don’t walk through the main house, instead I head out of the back gate, cursing myself for not picking up a jacket as the wind whips around me on the way down the driveway. There’s no way I’m going back for it now though; if I do, I’m sure I’ll end up talking myself out of it.

The light from the streetlight shines on the side of his Mercedes, flicking my reflection back at me as I get closer.

My shaky hand pulls the door open before I slide into the leather seat. I count to three before turning my head and smiling softly.


He leans over the console and sweeps me up in a soft kiss. “Hey,” he replies, grinning as he pulls back, leaving me breathless. “You look beautiful.”

“I… thanks.” My gaze runs the length of him: his white shirt is rolled up to his elbows, the muscles in his forearms tensing as he grips the steering wheel. “You look handsome,” I say, my eyes focusing on the dark-navy jeans clinging to his thighs.

I jump as laughter bursts from him. “I’ve never had a woman other than my mom call me handsome before.”

Heat licks my cheeks before I turn away slightly. “Well… now you have.” I cringe at myself.

Taking a breath, I try to pull myself together, knowing if I don’t get my nerves under control, this whole night will go to crap.

My body is shoved back as he steps on the gas pedal, driving down the road and away from all of the big houses.

“So…” I start when he’s been driving for a couple of minutes. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going now?”

I raise a brow as his lip quirks up at the corner. “Impatient, aren’t we?”

Huffing out a breath, I flatten my palms on my thighs, looking out the windshield. “I think now may be a good time to tell you I hate surprises.” My voice is flat and I squeeze my eyes shut, not meaning for it to come across like that. But the way things have been the last few weeks; a surprise is the last thing I want or need.

“Duly noted. Can’t say I’ll do anything with that information though because I love planning them.”

“Are you always this…” My eyes widen when I realize I get my opportunity to use my word of the day on him again. “Incorrigible?”

“I’m a creature of habit, what can I say.”

I make a noise in the back of my throat, narrowing my eyes as he takes the tunnel separating the two halves of town. There’s clearly no point in asking where we’re going, again.

My leg starts bobbing up and down, my hand fluttering up to my mouth as I bite the side of my thumb. I keep telling myself I can trust Nate, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.

This is a good surprise, right?

His palm landing on my thigh and stopping the movement has my head snapping up toward him.

“Relax,” he states in a calm voice.

I let his voice flow through me as he pulls up to a stoplight, turning his head to face me, his gaze meeting mine.

“Sorry,” I whisper, my voice sounding big in the small space. “I’m just…” I blow out a breath, my hair fanning out of my face. “I’m nervous.”

“What’s there to be nervous about? We’ve known each other and hung out for six years, just think of it like that.”

“But…” I flit my gaze between his eyes. “This is different… it’s a date. Only you and me. No…” I swallow. “Buffer.”

“Even better, less reason to be nervous. You can just be yourself an

d let go.”

I open my mouth to say something but he looks away, the light turning green causing him to put his foot down again.

He drums his fingers on the top of the steering wheel, his hand still on my thigh as his thumb rubs back and forth. The sensation has me simultaneously relaxing and on edge.