I walk the few blocks to his company building, staring up at the expansive height of it. His father may have started the company, but Tris has pulled it out of ruin and made waves throughout the software world. He’s the best at what he does, but that also comes with a price. He works more than I do and that’s saying something.

Once inside the busy lobby, I pull out my cell and send him a message asking where he is to which I get an instant reply.

TRIS: I’m on my way now. Chill the fuck out.


I slip my cell and my hands back into my pockets as I lean against the wall opposite the elevators. The doors pop open and I raise my arms in the air as I shout a sarcastic, “Finally!”

His eyes shift around the lobby at the attention I’m garnering and he scowls at me. “Not all of us can come and go as we like, you know. Some of us have companies to run.”

“Oh!” I bow in front of him. He knows full well I run my own law firm, but I can be a little more flexible than he can—or wants to be. “I bow down to you, Sir Tristan.”

He rolls his eyes and I don’t miss the flinch because of the black eye he’s sporting.

“What happened to your face, anyway?” I ask as we walk out the front doors of the building.

He tries to cover it up with a shrug. “Nothing you need to worry about.” He looks away from me. “I thought we were meeting at the restaurant?”

“I wanted to make sure you weren’t going to stand me up.”

His jaw tenses but he doesn’t reply as we walk a block in silence. I want to talk to him about the information I have on Pete, but it’s not majorly important because he already knows and has gotten rid of him. I can tell him tomorrow or even email the information across if need be.

“So…” I startle at the fact he’s the one starting the conversation. “I wanted to ask you something.”

I know it has to be something important for him to be swallowing his pride, so I give him my full attention. “Shoot.”

“It’s about Amelia.” As soon as he mentions her name, every nerve ending in my body is standing to attention. “Something’s going on with her.”

“Right,” I mumble, not wanting to say anything else.

“Do you know what it is?”

I raise a brow; I know he doesn’t know about our day at the beach. Amelia would’ve never told him. “How would I know? I barely talk to her.”

He laughs and I turn to look at him. “You must think I’m blind. I see how you always talk when you’re together.” I shake my head quickly as if I don’t know what he’s talking about, but maybe he’s more observant than I gave him credit for? She’s like a magnet, I always gravitate toward her; I can’t help it. “I…” He runs his hands over his face as if he’s frustrated and I know he’s struggling. “Every time something comes to the house for her, she acts… I don’t know… weird.”

“Weird how?” I ask, thinking back to the way she freaked out when I teased her about the package before we went out to Gillies.

“You saw her at the cookout, she was fine until that package turned up. Her face pales, and… I don’t know… there’s something in her eyes, something that tells me that there’s something going on. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I’m worried about her.”

I shrug but inside I’m already sifting through the conversation we had that night. She told me it was something private but now I’m wondering why she acted so sketchy. “So, ask her.”

“I have.” He stops walking as we arrive at Zanders. “She won’t tell me.”

If she won’t talk to him, then maybe she’ll talk to me? “I can do some digging, see what I can find out.”

He nods in reply and my blood runs cold when I look at the door of Zanders. Maybe this wasn’t the best idea? He isn’t in the best of moods as it is and I can see he’s genuinely worried about Amelia. But as he motions for me to go ahead of him, I can’t change who’s sitting inside this restaurant. It’s done now, I need to watch it play out.

He follows me over to a table in the middle of the room I can see Harmony sitting at, staring down at her cell. I suck in a breath and wait for—

“Harmony?” Tris says, sounding shocked. They stare at each other for a few seconds and I start to wonder if I need to say something until Tris adds, “What are you doing here?”

Harmony opens her mouth and closes it again, the breath leaving her body as her gaze skirts to mine, her eyes narrowing. “I, erm… Would you like to answer that one? Or shall I?”

I can feel Tris’s eyes burning a hole in my head as he grits out, “You called her?”

I shrug because I can’t think of anything else to do under both of their scrutinizing gazes. “Messaged her on Facebook actually.” My gaze meets hers. “Hey, Harm.”