I smile as Frankie catches him, swinging him up in the air before placing him back on the ground at the end of the aisle he’s standing at with Tris, Harm, and Izzie.

Stumbling to a stop when I feel a twinge in my back, I place my hand on my swollen, pregnant stomach.

Two arms wrap around me from behind, their hands covering mine. “You should be sitting down, not chasing after him,” Nate murmurs in my ear, his breath fanning across my neck.

“I’m fine,” I tell him, turning in his embrace but not being able to reach him fully because of the bump.

“You’re carting around two little people, you need to relax.” He raises a brow, the sound of hundreds of high school kids surrounding us as they make their way to the chairs in front of the stage in their caps and gowns.

“You don’t have to remind me.” I roll my eyes, spinning around and letting him guide me over to where everyone is waiting. “I’m the one who has them punching and kicking my ribs.”

He places a kiss on my neck as we stop at the end of our designated aisle.

“Aunt Amelia!” Izzie shouts, sounding as much like the six-year-old she used to be, only now she’s fifteen and looking more and more like the pictures of her mother every day.

“Hey, Iz.” I wrap her up in a hug when she stands, moving over and doing the same to Tris, Charlotte, Edward, and Harm, holding my fist out to Frankie because he’s too cool for hugs right now.

“You’re so big!” Harmony shouts above all of the noise, only it’s at the same time the dean walks onto the stage and stands at the podium, the crowd quieting immediately but turning toward Harmony as I sit down. My cheeks heat to epic proportions, embarrassment rolling through me. “Oh, God. I’m so sorry.” She buries her head in her hands, groaning as Tris reaches out and pulls her to his chest, his rumble of laughter escaping his throat.

My gaze catches Clay’s where he’s sitting in the front row, two strips of gold material hanging over his shoulders. His lips lift slightly, a ghost of a smile gracing his face before he turns back around to face the stage.

Clearing my throat as Izzie giggles beside me, I say, “It’s okay. I am huge… only eight weeks to go.”

I give her a soft smile when she lifts her head and opens her mouth, but she’s cut off by the dean as he starts his speech to the graduating class.

We all turn toward the front, giving him all of our attention as he starts to call the students’ names out.

“Clayton Carter, valedictorian.”

We all cheer and whoop as Clay walks onto the stage and is handed his diploma. I squeeze Amelia’s hand as happy tears roll down her cheeks. “You’re so emotional.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “It’s the hormones.”

Lucas, our four-year-old, squirms on my knee and I grasp onto him tighter, whispering in his ear. “I know it’s boring but I have something in the car for you if you’re good for a little longer, bud.”

His eyes light up and he makes the motion as if he’s zipping his lips up as I turn my attention back toward the stage, only being distracted as Amelia sucks in a breath beside me.

“Are you okay?”

She squirms in her seat. “Yeah, just my back playing up again. I’ll be fine as soon as I can stretch my legs.”

I nod and squeeze her leg. Even though it’s been eight years, she still has the odd twinge in her back. Being pregnant with our twin boys isn’t helping her any either.

There hasn’t been a moment in our lives so far where we haven’t worked things out together, and we’ll only continue to do so. I bring her hand up to my lips and kiss her knuckles tenderly. “I love you more every day, Lia.”

She gives me a contented smile and we turn just as the caps are thrown into the air after Clay’s valedictorian speech. I hoist Lucas up onto my hip and clap along with everyone else, nodding over at Tris to say congratulations.

We’ve all had our trials and tribulations, but we got there in the end.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry I’m late.” I turn toward Maya’s rushed voice, seeing her blow her hair out of her face as she looks toward the front. “Did I miss everyth


I open my arm I’m not holding Lucas in for her to hug me. I haven’t seen her for months because she’s been away on tour. “Don’t worry, there’s still the after party.” I kiss her forehead. “Good to see you, Maybug.”

“Maya!” Amelia squeals, reaching over us and pulling Maya into a bruising hug. “I’ve missed you!”

Maya chuckles and pulls back, looking down at Amelia’s stomach. “I’ve—Jesus! You really are cooking two in there, aren’t you?”