Amelia bursts out laughing. “Now that I have to see.”

“I have lots of photos,” Dad says, leaning across the table.

I pinch the bridge of my nose as Tris continues. “He’s always been the joker, the class clown, and nothing’s changed. But I’m sure everyone would agree we wouldn’t have him any other way. He’s an incredible friend that was there for me during one of the hardest times of my life, never leaving my side, even when I was pushing him away.”

Amelia elbows me in the ribs. “Sounds familiar.”

I smile and kiss her on her temple, turning my attention back to Tris as his gaze connects with mine. “I never did thank him, but I don’t think I need to.” I shake my head in confirmation. “And then there’s Amelia who turned up on my doorstep, answering an ad when I was starting my journey as a single father. She’s been there every step of the way: helping me raise my kids. She’s the little sister I never had.” He pauses, clearing his throat. “I’ve never seen a more deserving couple of a happy ending than you two, and I know with each other at your sides, you’ll have that.” He raises his glass before he says, “To the happy couple.”

Everyone chants back with the same sentiment as Tris sits down, giving me a subtle nod and reaching over to take Amelia’s hand to squeeze it.


“What?” I ask Amelia, spinning around to face her.

She tilts her head, whispering, “Dad’s turn.”

My eyes widen as her dad stands to his full height, clearing his throat to gain everyone’s attention.

“Hi, I’m Sheriff—No, wrong audience.” There’s a collection of chuckles as he adjusts his tie, his gaze searching the room before coming to a stop on me and Amelia. “My little girl.” His voice seems to be lost to memories as he stares at her. “I’ll be the first person to admit I didn’t want you here; I wanted you to come home after...” He shakes his head, batting away the same thoughts I find myself stuck in sometimes. “But watching how you are with each other: how much Nate’s love shines through, I know letting you go and trusting you in Nate’s hands was the right thing to do.” He looks over at Jan. “I hope you have many happy years, just like us.” He turns back toward us. “Congratulations.” He starts to sit down but stops, narrowing his eyes at me. “But you just remember I’m a sheriff, son. If you hurt her, I know how to cover up a murder.” He raises his brow and I swallow audibly, giving him a nod of confirmation.

He finally sits down and all conversation starts back up before the caterers bring the food out. I sit with my hand on Amelia’s thigh the whole time, her hand covering mine as she talks away with Maya and Izzie, their conversations full of the most random things: the new Disney movie, dresses, tiaras, and football?

I frown when I hear Maya say, “Jake,” and when I look over at them, finishing my dessert, I ask, “Jake?”

Maya’s panicked gaze meets Amelia’s before flitting to mine. “Nate.” The tone of her voice makes it clear I’m not going to like what she’s about to say. “Amelia said I could invite him.”

“Okay,” I answer, already knowing this and wondering what the big deal is and why she’s looking so frantic. “Where is he? I’d like to meet him.”

“I… erm…”

“Yeah,” Dad pipes up. “I want to meet the famous Jake, too.”

“I… I…” Her gaze flits across the room, and when I follow the same path, I land on a guy that definitely can’t be Jake because he looks about twenty.

“Tell him to come over,” I say, knowing I must be looking at the wrong person, but when Amelia whispers something to her and she stands up, she walks over to said guy and stops next to him.

“What the—”

“Nate…” I refuse to look at Amelia as I stand up, my dad not far behind me when Jake wraps his arm around my sister’s waist. My sixteen-year-old baby sister. “Nate!” she calls again, and this time she gains my attention. “It’s not what you think—”

“How old is he?” I bang my palm on the table. “He’s touching—”

“Leave it,” she grinds out. “He’s a senior.”

Shaking my head, I push my chair out, taking a step away as Amelia stands too, albeit slower than I do.

“I want to dance.” I stumble to a stop three steps away, my head turning between Maya and Amelia. When I hesitate, she says, “I want to have my first dance with my husband.” I soften at the look in her eyes, blowing out a frustrated breath. There’s no way I’ll deny her the first dance, even if I know it’s a tactic to distract me.

With a sigh, I walk back toward her and kiss her hand before calling over to Maya, my hand clenching as she kisses the dirty-blond-headed guy she’s standing with and heads over to us.

“Yeah?” She looks down at the ground and I sigh.

“Get your butt up on stage and serenade us with your beautiful voice.”

I kiss Amelia’s hand as Maya walks in the direction of the stage and I walk over to the DJ. He takes his headset off when I reach him. “What can I do for you?”

“Can we do the first dance?”