As I’m about to walk through the patio doors into the kitchen, I say, “Does this count as carrying you over the threshold?”

She snorts. “No, Nate. I think we actually have to be married for it to count.”

“Well then I think we should get married soon,” I joke.

I never expect her to say, “Okay,” and as soon as the word echoes around us, I stop in my tracks in the hallway outside the bathroom I can hear running water coming from.

“What did you say?”

“I said, okay.” She scans my face. “What?”

“You’re—you’re being serious?” I walk into the master bedroom, placing her down on the bed even though she protests she’s dirty. “You want to get married soon?”

She smiles wide and runs a hand through my hair, shrugging. “Why not?”

My gaze flits back and forth between her eyes to make sure she isn’t having doubts, and when I see nothing but sincerity shining back at me, I tell her, “Close your eyes.”


“Just close them.” She does as I say and I walk over to the closet, taking the ring box out from under one of my folded t-shirts and walking back over to her.

I know she’s already said yes but my leg shakes as I bend down on one knee before clearing my throat. “You can open them now.”

I open the box as she opens her eyes, her gaze falling on my grandmother’s diamond ring.

She gasps, covering her mouth and shaking her head, her eyes shining with tears threatening to escape.

I immediately start to panic. “If you don’t like it we—”

She shakes her head, reaching out and placing a finger over my lips, effectively cutting me off. “Nate…” Her voice is choked, emotion fueled. “It’s so beautiful.”

I take the ring out of the box and slide it onto her ring finger. “It was my great-great-grandmother’s and has been passed down to each generation.”

Her eyes widen, a look of horror flashing over her features. “I can’t take this!”

I push a strand of stray hair behind her ear. “My mom wanted you to have it, she never wore it because she’s allergic to gold.”

The tears threatening to escape finally do, and I watch as one flows over her cheek as she stares down at her hand. “I can’t believe we’re getting married.”

I wait for her gaze to meet mine, trying to convey every ounce of love I feel for her through one look as I say, “I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else.”

My love is reflected back at me in her eyes and it takes all of two seconds for me to swoop her up in a kiss worthy of this moment.

I hear the front door slam closed and I’m guessing it was Maya going out, so when Amelia grabs hold of the collar of my shirt and groans into my mouth, I get swept up in the moment. My tongue darts across the seam of her lips, my hands instinctively falling between us, unzipping the coat she’s wearing as she loosens my tie, yanking it off and throwing it across the room.

We’re a frenzy as one by one items of clothing fall to the floor. I lay her across the bed, a sheepish look on her face as I crawl over to her after ridding myself of the only item of clothing left on me—my socks.

We haven’t gone very far sexually since she came home from the hospital so I haven’t wondered about the logistics of everything until now.

I place a kiss on the side of her neck, gently brushing my hand across her collarbone. “We don’t have to—”

“I want you,” she assures me, clearing her throat. “I want to try.”

At her words, I whisper my fingers down the curve of her body, ending just before the middle of her stomach. “Are you sure?”

Her eyes flutter closed as she moans, “Keep going.”

I hesitate knowing any farther down and she won’t feel a thing, but she places her hand on top of mine, guiding it down to her hip, her eyes opening. “Please don’t treat me like I’m fragile.” She leans toward me. “I just want to forget about everything and be with my fiancé.”