“Merry Christmas,” I finally say, swallowing against the emotion in my voice. “This has been one of the best.”

“The first of many,” Nate adds with a smile.

“The first

of many,” I repeat, my gaze not able to move from his green pools that have captivated me like nothing else ever has.

How did I get this lucky? How did I find this man and manage not to push him away fully?

“Wanna take your car for a spin before dinner is ready?”

“Hell yeah, I do!” I push forward, opening the door that has a handle for ease of use before turning around and seeing everyone still standing there, smiles stretched on their faces as they watch us.

It’s right then I realize it doesn’t matter if I never get to use my legs again because these people will support me and be there for me unconditionally, no matter what.

Maya’s huff sounds around us for the fifth time, her fingers flying over the screen of her cell. I discretely watch her and the show we’re watching at the same time, my attention not on either thing fully.

“Ugh.” She slams her cell down on the sofa, crossing her arms over her chest.

Worrying my bottom lip, I wonder if I should ask her what’s up. She’s been staying here for the last two days without Mel and Mick because they’ve gone away on a trip, and right now we’d normally all be in bed. But it’s New Year's Eve, so it means we’ll be staying up well after midnight to see the new year in.

My gaze runs across the windows, pure darkness surrounding us on the plot of land, and I see our reflection in the glass: Maya on the sofa, me next to it in my chair.

I can’t help but take an extra long look out there, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary. Was that a shadow moving?

“Amelia?” Maya asks, and I see her inch forward, her face turned toward me in the reflection.

“Yeah?” I turn my head away from the window, giving her my full attention.

“How do you…” She chews on the side of her lip, her gaze batting around the living room before settling back on me. “How do you know when a boy likes you?”

My eyes widen at her question and I stutter, not knowing what to say or do. Is it my domain to give her boy advice? What would Nate think? No, screw that line of thought: Nate would want her to be boyfriend free until she was thirty. I suddenly realize although Maya is close to her family, she can’t exactly talk about boys with them.

Picking up the control, I pause the show on the TV and finally say, “Well… normally they like to be around you more, or give you secret looks.”


“Is this about a particular boy?”

She shuffles on her seat, resting her chin on her hand as she gazes at the fire. “There’s this guy—” I chuckle because there’s always a guy. “He messages me all the time and we study in the library at school together. When it’s just me and him, I feel like he likes me likes me. But as soon as we’re around anyone else, it’s like I don’t exist.”

Tilting my head to the side, I run my finger over my bottom lip in thought. “Tell me about him.”

“His name’s Jake and he’s the captain of the football—”

“Ahhhh,” I say, knowing exactly what’s going on here. “So he’s a popular kid?”

“Yeah.” She nods, her lips turned down in a frown. “And I’m… not in that… clique.”

“Okay. So from what you’re telling me, he likes you but doesn’t want everyone else to know.” I pause for a beat. “I probably shouldn’t be saying this because, you know, I’m an adult, but meh.” I shrug, leaning forward. “Give him a taste of his own medicine.”

“Huh?” She frowns in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“When he wants to talk to you alone: ignore him. If he really likes you he’ll realize to get your attention, it can’t be in secret.”

Her eyes watch me for several seconds before her lips lift into a grin. “That’s a brilliant idea!”

“I know,” I reply, feeling like I just solved all of her problems but knowing this will be the first of many guy problems she’ll encounter.