“You are being an asshole.”

“No, I’m not,” Nate counters.

“You’re literally talking about me like I’m not even here,” I say, louder this time.

“You’re being a disrespectful di—”

“Stop!” I shout, banging my hands down on my bed. “Stop it, stop it. Stop. It!”

My nostrils flare as they both finally stop talking, my breaths leaving my body in gasps at my frustration.

“You’re talking like I’m not even here. Just because I can’t feel my legs, doesn’t mean I can’t use my brain!”

“I was never going to keep this from you, but I wanted to ask your dad—”

“No,” I grind out, turning my face toward Nate. “I’m a grown-ass woman; you don’t need to go to my dad for permission. I’ve been living on my own since I was eighteen. Instead of discussing my life with him like it’s not my decision, ask me.”

My dad makes a noise in the back of his throat. “I knew you wouldn’t want to stay here—”

“And you!” I whirl my head around. “I’m not six years old, I’m twenty-four, you don’t get to make my decisions for me.” I grit my teeth before turning back to Nate, staring him dead in the eyes and waiting for him to say something.

He straightens his back, flicking his gaze to Dad and then Mom before looking back at me. “This isn’t the way I wanted to do this.” He sighs and sits on the edge of my bed. “About four weeks ago I asked Traci if it was possible to have you home in time for Thanksgiving. She didn’t seem positive until I started talking about how I could have some changes made to my place.”

“Your place? You’d do that for me?” I ask, my anger and frustration waning as I listen to what he’s saying—what he’s suggesting.

“I know these last few months haven’t been easy for you, but seeing you go through this without being able to do anything has made me feel useless.” He pauses for a breath before adding, “But this is something I can do, obviously only if you want me to because I’d do anything for you. Especially if it meant you could live with some more independence instead of being stuck in a bed here.”

“This could have all been a lot simpler if you would have said those six words, you know.” I smirk as he frowns at me, confusion evident on his face.

“I can’t believe this sh—”

I flick my gaze to my dad and then Mom, shaking my head at the look in her eyes and her hands clasped over her heart before she reprimands. “Carl? Keep your mouth shut and leave them alone.”

Nate’s gaze doesn’t leave mine as he asks, “What six words?”

“The one’s you asked me in the pool house all those weeks ago.” He frowns, still not getting what I’m saying. “Will. You. Move. In. With. Me.” I pause, tilting my head to the side and shrug. “Six words you could’ve asked that would’ve prevented all of…” I wave my hand between Nate and Dad. “This.”

The expression on Nate’s face turns from confusion to joy as he clasps my hand in his, forgetting anyone else is in the room with us. “Lia, will you do me the honor of moving in with me and putting up with my needy ass?”

I try to keep my lips in a straight line, but I lose the battle as they lift into a wide grin. “It depends…” I trail off. “Will you be providing me with home-cooked meals?”

He chuckles. “Every damn day.”

I lean forward as much as I can, getting closer to him than I have in months. “Then it’s a deal.”

His eyes flick between mine, hope flaring in their depths as he leans forward, meeting me halfway. I suck in a breath as his fans over my lips, so close to being a kiss. Questions fly through my head as he waits for me to close the last bit of space between us. When was the last time I felt his lips against mine? Do I want to do this with him right now? Can I stop pushing him away altogether and pull him closer?

One last look in his eyes tells me I can. I’m ready to be Amelia again. The use of my legs hasn’t pushed him away, if anything it’s brought us closer, no matter how much I’ve been battling and shutting him out.

I close my eyes, about to close the space between us, butterflies swarming in my stomach as the door to the room slams shut.

Pulling away, my eyes spring open, searching the room and finding my dad missing. I pull away completely, laying my head on my pillow and blowing out a deep breath.

This is one problem I didn’t have when I wasn’t talking to anyone.

“Give him a bit of time, sweetie. He had his heart set on you coming home with us. You know what your dad is like: he’s in protection mode.”

I open my eyes, staring at my mom, seeing the apology reflected back at me. “My life is here now, Mom.”