When I’m in a good position, I sit up on my board, dangling my legs in the water on either side of me and wait for a decent wave. The teen to the right of me spots a good one and I let him take it since he’s first in the lineup. Another wave comes shortly after and I set my sights on it, turning around to face the beach and dropping back down into a lying position. I feel the adrenaline rolling through me as I start to paddle and when I feel the board start to lift, I pop up into the perfect standing position and start to gain speed as I surf the wave.

I reach the end and lower myself back down into a paddling position so I can paddle my way back out and do it all over again.

After several hours of surfing and one burger stop—I don’t eat healthy all the time—I’m pooped and end up falling asleep on my sofa when I get back. I’m woken up by my cell ringing and I’m confused as hell when I see it’s Charlotte—Tris’s mom—calling at ten at night.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes as I press answer. “Hi, Charlotte. Is everything okay?”

My muscles tense as I hear her sigh; I haven’t received a call from her in a very long time.

“Nathan, Harmony is back and Tristan had a run-in with her.”

I scrub a hand down my face. Shit.

I blow out a breath and stand up, pacing my living room floor. “I… How do you know?” I decide to play dumb, nothing good wi

ll come from her knowing I knew right now.

“The kids, they started an art class and you’d never believe who the teacher is.”

Harmony’s studio, of course! “Do I need to answer that?”

“Are you free to meet for brunch tomorrow? There’s something I need to discuss with you.”

I march into my home office and check my schedule. “I’m completely free. Name a time and place.”

“Queen Alexandras at eleven.”

“I’ll be there,” I reply. “And, Charlotte?”


“He’s okay, isn’t he? The kids are okay?”

She sighs heavily. “The kids are okay.”

I nod even though I know she can’t see me. “Okay, tomorrow then. Good night.”

“You too.”

She doesn’t say goodbye before she hangs up and I’m left with my head reeling. I toss my cell back and forth between my hands, desperate to call Tris and talk to him, but I don't know how much good that would do. He probably won’t answer my call anyway. It’ll have to wait until tomorrow.

I pull up at Queen Alexandras, the valet immediately opening my car door. I get out and hand him my keys and a tip.

“Thank you, sir.”

I nod and take the steps up to the doors two at a time, the doorman smiling at me as he opens one side for me.

“Thank you,” I say, walking through the grand lobby, the crystal chandelier sparkling above me. I pay no attention to anyone else as I search the dining room for Charlotte. I spot her at a private table on the balcony, which must mean what she has to say she wants to keep under wraps.

When I reach the table, she stands and wraps me in a hug, shocking me.

“I’m so glad you agreed to meet me,” she says, pulling away and sitting back down.

“I was surprised by your call, actually.”

“Can I get you something to drink, sir?”

I smile at the waiter. “Coffee, please.”