Carl pinches the bridge of his nose. “Is there no way he can visit, even for a few minutes?”

The doctor is shaking his head before Carl’s finished his sentence. “I’m afraid not. As the patient is in an unconscious state and can’t give her consent, only family is allowed right now.”

Carl runs his hand through his hair before he turns toward me with an apologetic look on his face. “I’ll keep you updated.”

I want to argue and say that this is bullshit, but I don’t have the energy right now, and what good will it do? I’ll find a way to get into that room whether it’s “hospital policy” or not, but for now I nod while grinding my teeth together as I watch them walk back the way Doctor Bale came from.

It’s been two hours since Carl disappeared to go and see Amelia, and I’ve not heard a word about her since. I’m losing my patience, pacing up and down the waiting room until someone I can speak to walks past.

“Nate, you’re going to wear a hole in the floor. Come and sit down,” Harm says delicately.

I turn and face her. “If this was Tris, you’d be the same.” She winces and I immediately regret it, sitting down in a seat. “Sorry, Harm.”

My cell rings for the umpteenth time and I growl, pulling it out of my pocket. “What!” I snap.

“Nate? Are you okay?”

Shit, Maya! “Maya, I’m so sorry, I should’ve called. I’m at the hospital with Amelia and I—”

“Hospital? Is she okay?”

I scrub a hand down my face, trying not to get choked up. “I… I think so.”

“What can I do?”

My mind goes blank because the only thing anyone can do for me right now is get me in that room to see her. “I need you to call one of your friends and ask them if you can stay over for a few days. Maybe the Vaughns

because I know them.”

“Is it serious?”

Her question is innocent, but it’s like a knife digging farther into my heart. “I don’t know. I just need you to do this for me, okay? Have her dad call me, he’s got my number.”

Jonathan Vaughn is an old client of my dad’s and I know they’ll take care of Maya in a heartbeat. It helps that she’s friends with their fifteen-year-old, too.

“Do I need to call Mom and Dad?”

“No,” I say immediately. “They’d worry and get the next flight home. They’re back in a few days’ time so there’s no point in spoiling their vacation, as long as you’re okay.”

“I’m okay, but I’m worried about you.”

There’s a long pause before I see Amelia’s dad pacing past the waiting room, speaking into his cell. I stand up to follow him. “Call the Vaughns and have them call me, I have to go.”

I hang up and Tris puts a hand on my shoulder to halt me in my tracks. “I know you want information, but the man’s daughter is in the hospital and he’s clearly busy.” I stare him down and he sighs. “Give him a minute to breathe.”

I shrug his hand off my shoulder, staring at the front doors until Harm clears her throat after typing away on her cell. She stands up and walks toward a woman in nurse’s scrubs and talks with her in rushed, whispered words.

Narrowing my eyes. I try to make out what’s being said, but when I can’t figure it out, I look over at Tris who has a look of awe on his face.

“Harm?” I ask, not willing to be kept in the dark anymore.

She shoos me with her hand as the nurse looks behind her and sighs, smiling over at me. “I can let you into the ward and get you past the nurses’ station, but it wasn’t me, okay?”

I want to lift her up and spin her around in the air, but I don’t. I place a quick kiss to Harm’s cheek and mutter a quick “thank you” before following the nurse.

“I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth, but why are you doing this?”

She types a code into a keypad as we reach the end of the hallway we were walking down. “Harmony has become a dear friend of mine over the last few months. She’d do anything for anyone and when she explained your situation to me, I couldn’t help but follow suit.”