“Tomorrow? Wow. That’s quick.”

“It’s just an appeal for you to be able to visit him and I can’t promise the results will be in your favor, but this will look good for the adoption records. It’ll show that you’re serious.”

“Crap, the kids.”

“Can your mom not look after them?”

“She’s in Japan with Edward and Harm’s mom is in Florida with friends until tomorrow night.”

My feet pound on the ground and I pull in shallow breaths as I run through the wooded area back toward my house.

Nearing the patio, I slow down to a jog, stretching off before walking over to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water.

I walk into the living room, finding Maya curled up on the sofa watching a movie, and I steal a handful of popcorn


I shrug. “What? It is mine.”

“Yeah, but you’ve just stuck your sweaty hands in my bowl! Now it’s all contaminated!”

I raise a brow and swish my hands through it.

She places it on the sofa beside her with a scoff. “You’re disgusting!”

I place another handful in my mouth and walk toward the hallway more than ready to take a shower. Maya was right: I’m a sweaty mess.

“Oh, Nate, someone came to the house for you.”

I stop in my tracks. “Who?”

She shrugs and turns around in her seat, her arms crossed over the back of the sofa. “A woman.”

My muscles tighten up at the thought that it might’ve been Amelia and I missed her, but then Maya would’ve known it was Amelia, wouldn’t she? “And you didn’t get a name?” I ask casually.

“She didn’t give me one. After I told her you went out for a run she couldn’t get out of here fast enough.”

Frustrated, I ask, “Well what did she look like?”

She narrows her eyes at me. “I didn’t get a good look at her but I know she had brown hair and was old… like you.”

I ignore her backhanded comment. “So it wasn’t anyone you’ve met before?”

She shakes her head and I know it definitely wasn’t Amelia, her words dousing my hope.

“Alright, thanks.” I try and think of who I know that’s a brunette but it’s fruitless because it could’ve been anyone. If it’s important, they’ll call or come back.

I peel off my sneakers, socks, and t-shirt before stepping into the shower I’ve let warm up. The water feels amazing on my muscles and I know I need to get out before I get too relaxed to make dinner and watch a movie with Maya.

An hour later, I’m in a food coma on the sofa watching one of Maya’s sappy movie choices—again—while fighting to keep my eyes open. I mustn't have fought for long because the next thing I know I’m being awoken with a phone call telling me the court time has been brought forward by three hours which gives me exactly two hours to get ready, pick up Tris and Harm, and make our way to the courthouse.

After hanging up the phone, I immediately call Tris, telling him to be ready for me to pick them up. It’s a good thing I prepared him for this eventuality because Harm’s mom has come back from her trip early so she’ll be on her way before taking them to the studio.

Assured everyone will be ready in time, I throw on a charcoal-gray suit with a white shirt and navy-blue tie before scribbling Maya a note to apologize for working on my week off. I throw a few bills on top of the note on the kitchen island and tell her to actually get out of the house and do something, although I know she has friends coming over tomorrow—which I’m dreading.

I make one last check that I have all the papers I’ve accumulated over the space of the last few days and open the garage door.

Whatever the outcome today, I know we’re on the right path for this child to end up with Tris and Harm. I couldn’t think of better people for him to end up with.