Madeline Merlo—War Paint

“So, you’re saying there won’t be any other stores?” Pete, one of the board members asks with a frown on his face.

I huff out a breath, my eyes narrowing at his light brown ones. He’s the one and only board member that is constantly second-guessing all of my decisions. At first, I thought it was him trying to intimidate me because I was new, but now I know it’s because he wants my place at the head of the company. He thinks he’s subtle, but he’s not—far from it.

“That’s right,” I tell him, letting my gaze move from his slowly before scanning all of the other faces that sit around the huge table. There are varying expressions: some look confused, some look downright angry, and some look pleased with the idea.

I push my chair back as I stand, buttoning up my suit jacket and walking over to the interactive board on the wall, signaling Jared—the computer technician supervisor—to start the presentation on the laptop.

He shuffles awkwardly before pushing his glasses up his nose and clicking the keys on his laptop before handing me a remote.

Clicking the button, the first slide appears and I start. “If we have one store—and only one store—based right here in the building, it will become a novelty. People will visit not only for the store, but also to see how everything is made. This means that sales will be better with no extra overhead costs.” I raise my brow and press the button on the remote as I point it at the board, bringing up the next slide. “Growth is seen online, that’s where people buy things now; they don’t go out to stores unless they’re going for something specific. I say we overhaul the website, making it more interactive and modern. That’s where Jared comes in.”

I tilt my head to him and take a step back for him to take it from here.

I knew as soon as I spoke to him and told him my plan that he was on board, he had so many ideas that I told him not to keep me in the dark again, he’s a genius that has been working in this company for years and I didn’t even know about him or what he can do. All the changes make financial sense, not only that but having the one and only store in the same building that the software and malware are made in will enable us to give our customers a one-off experience like no other.

I need to get the board’s go ahead and then it can all be put into motion. I smirk as I listen to Jared—who am I kidding? Even if they don’t agree, I’ll still go ahead with it all.

My eyes move to the board members as they watch Jared intently, all engrossed in what he has to say and what he’s showing them.

“So?” I ask when Jared has finished. “Do you want more information, or shall we vote?”

Their answering murmurs of “let’s vote” has me grinning, glad I don’t have to go above their heads. This is the start of something good, no, something great.

I take everyone’s vote and with thirteen yeses and two nos, it means the decision is in my favor by a landslide.

“Get your team on it,” I tell Jared.

His eyes sparkle and he adjusts his tie pushing his shoulders back. “Yes, Mr. Carter.”

He shuffles out of the room as I undo the button on my jacket and take a seat back at the head of the table, steepling my hands on the light wooden surface and looking each board member in the eye.

“Things will be changing around here. I have more ideas like this one; ideas that will take this company to the next level.” I pause. “I won’t let a single person stop me from trying to make this company the best that it can be.”

My ruthless gaze turns to Pete and I narrow my eyes at him, sending him a silent warning to which he smirks in reply. They’re all deathly silent but I don’t let it bother me. I’m the CEO and I’ll bring the name of this company not only back to where it was, but to surpass it too.

“Anyone have anything to say?” I ask, waiting for someone to moan about what I’m doing and saying, ready to put them in their place. Most shake their heads “no,” so I stand up and smile. “See you all at the same time next week then.”

I stay where I’m standing as they all file out, my shoulders back and a sense of pride running through me. Seeing this company as mine and not my father’s has changed something within me. Cutting him out of my life has made me realize that I’m not just holding down the fort until he comes back, because he’s not coming back. He’s gone and he’ll never be able to step foot inside this building again.

This is my legacy; a legacy I need to keep and build upon, not only for me but for Clay and Izzie too.

I push my chair under the table as several sets of footsteps clank against the floor, Catiya rushing into the room looking out of breath. “Your mother is here, she refused to wait,” she says.

My nostrils flare. “Is it too much to ask you to do your job and not let anyone waltz in?”

“I… I’m sorry,” she whispers, her gaze lowering to the floor.

I open my mouth to berate her some more when my mother rushes in, giving Catiya a look that could kill and then turns to me, painting on that fake smile that I know all too well.

“Tristan,” she says, her voice soft and low.

“Mother,” I respond through gritted teeth before walking over to her and kissing her on the cheek. “What has you coming into the office unannounced?”

I slow my breaths down, trying to keep the anger that is bubbling inside me like a volcano ready to erupt under control.

She turns toward Catiya. “You can go.”