“I…” I run my hand along my jaw, not sure whether I should leave them in the hands of someone I don’t know.

“If you were to stay,” she starts. “The kids wouldn’t be free to create what they wanted. They’d constantly be looking over their shoulders for your approval.”

I nod my head in acknowledgement, understanding what she’s saying. “Okay.”

She smiles and hands me some forms to fill in before turning around and walking over to where Izzie and Clay are.

I fill in all of their details apprehensively, holding them in the air in Matilda’s direction as other kids and parents start to file in. She nods her head that she’s seen me and I wave at Clay and Izzie.

“I’ll see you in an hour,” I tell them with a wave.

“Bye, Daddy!” Izzie shouts.

I take one last look at them as Matilda says something to Clay before I step outside, walking back to my car.

The sound of voices downstairs has me taking a deep breath to calm myself before walking down to the growing crowd of children. My smile grows wider and my anticipation and nerves for today subside instantly at seeing their excited faces. I don’t know what I was so worried about.

I clear my throat to get their attention, making all of their heads snap my way.

“Good morning, everyone, my name is Miss Jameson, but you can all call me Miss J for short. I’m so excited that you could all be here today for the opening of my new art studio, but before we get started, I’d like to go over a few of the boring things that’ll help us to keep you safe.”

They all gawp at me but I smile reassuringly at them. “First of all, once those doors are closed, no one goes near them. There’s a road out there and we don’t want you all getting lost, or worse. Do you all understand?” They all nod and I continue. “Secondly, no one goes in my office.” I point to the door to my right and then behind me with both arms. “The kitchen—which is back here—or up those stairs without Tilly’s or my permission.”

I point to Mom after the stairs and she smiles at them all.

“What’s up the stairs?” an older boy asks.

“Upstairs is where all my art is kept, it’s my space just like in here is yours,” I answer him, waving my arms around the room. “I will take you all for a tour upstairs so you’re not so curious, but other than that time, no one is to go up there. So, other than those two very important rules, you can use anything you like to paint, draw, and sculpt whatever you want. Now, I want you all to line up outside.”

Some giggle, but they mostly look confused as they all file out after Mom. I stand in front of the doors and take a deep breath, enjoying the sunshine on my face. “Before you come into the studio, I want you all to think of a happy thought. I want you to leave all the bad thoughts outside and walk in ready to have fun, and maybe even learn something.”

“Like unicorns?” a cute, long blond-haired girl asks.

I giggle. “Exactly! Anything at all that makes you happy, you go ahead and think it.” I pause. “Has everyone got their happy thought?”

Everyone says “yes” or nods apart from a boy of around seven or eight, he has his nose in a book so I walk up to him. “What’s your name?”

He looks up at me, startled before he stammers, “I… It’s Clayton.”

“He’s my brother,” the blond-haired little girl says proudly.

“He is? That’s amazing. What’s your name?”

“Isabel, but my daddy calls me Izzie.” She beams.

“And what would you like me to call you?” I ask her, not wanting to use her dad’s nickname for her without her permission.

“You can call me Izzie too,” she says sweetly after some thought.

I chuckle, clapping my hands together, making several of the children jump. “Happy thoughts, remember! Everyone but Clayton go on inside with Tilly.”

Everyone walks inside in excited chatter and I turn back to Clayton, smiling wide at him. “What are you reading, Clayton?”

He looks down at the book in his hands. “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.”

I’m impressed that a boy of his age is reading such old literature. “Oh, really? What’s your favorite part of it?”

He looks around uncomfortably but I smile reassuringly at him, trying to put him at ease.