“I’m sorry, I should’ve talked to you about it first. I didn’t think, I—”

“No!” I shout, cutting her off. “You didn’t think!”

“Come on, kids, let’s go inside and play some games.” No one argues with my mom as she ushers everyone inside the house with Amelia trailing behind her.

“Tris?” Nate steps toward me, but I don’t look away from Harmony as her eyes mist over with unshed tears. “Come on, man, you’re upsetting her.”

“I’m upsetting her?” I laugh, deep and loud before swinging my gaze to Nate. “You don’t think she’s upset me by doing that?”

I turn back toward Harmony, seeing her lips tremble as she wraps her arms around her waist, closing herself off. “I said I was sorry, I thought it’d be nice for Izzie to have.”

I see red and my fists clench and unclench.

“Tris.” Amelia’s soft voice has me turning back to the door as she closes it softly. “Don’t do this, not today.”

“It wasn’t her place, A.” My voice catches on the last word, and all I can think about is the painting of Natalia and how good of a mother she would have been to Izzie.

Amelia walks forward, past Nate and Harmony before she pulls me aside.

“I know you’re upset, but don’t do this here, not in front of the kids.”

My eyes swing over to where Nate is consoling Harmony, and as much as I hate seeing him doing that, I can’t see past anything as I hear her apologize over and over again to him.

“I… I can’t do this,” I whisper.

Amelia clasps my forearm but I jump back, not wanting to be touched before spinning around and taking two steps away from them all.

“Tristan.” Harmony’s desperate voice wraps itself around my heart

and squeezes it tightly, making me stop in my tracks, but I don’t turn around. “Please don’t shut me out. I’m so sorry.”

Her pleading has me turning around slowly. Her honey eyes beg me not to walk away, but right now, I know that if I stay around her, I’ll say something that I’ll regret.

“Go home, Harmony.” I sigh, running my hands over my face as I dip my head. “I’ll call you later. I… I need a minute to digest it all.”

I hear her small voice as she says, “Okay,” and I walk into the house, not looking back.

Sarah McLachlan—Angel

Nick Jonas—Close

Ed Sheeran—Small Bump

I sit on the edge of Izzie’s bed, watching as she sleeps peacefully. The way her button nose flicks up slightly at the end reminds me of Natalia’s. Her long lashes flutter on the top of her cheeks as she rolls over, clutching the unicorn that I bought her for her birthday along with her bike.

My eyes wander over to the wall where she wanted the canvas hung. She insisted on having it on the wall to her left so that she can see her mom as soon as she wakes up and opens her eyes.

I knew that I couldn’t refuse her, no matter how much it hurts to look at. I’d like to say that I’ve calmed down, but the truth of the matter is, I’ve blocked it out. I tend to do that instead of dealing with the problem head-on. I keep telling myself that once today is over, I can process it all. Maybe. Hopefully.

Standing up slowly, I take one last look at her before crossing the hallway and checking in on Clay.

He’s never been to Nat’s grave. It’s not that I haven’t offered, because I have, and I’d take him any time that he wanted to go. But every time that I mention it to him, his eyes mist over and I can see his heart breaking through his eyes. It’s not fair. For him or Izzie.

Closing his door halfway, I walk in the direction of my room, grabbing my leather jacket before making my way downstairs where Amelia is sitting on the bench by the front door.

“You ready?” she asks, her lips pulling up into a soft smile.

I huff out a breath as I push my arms through the sleeves. “As ready as I am every year.”