My cell rang from the arm of the sofa, and I stared down at the screen, seeing Brody’s name flash. I groaned, wondering what had happened now. He’d said he’d only call if it was an emergency which meant—fuck, had something happened with Belle?

I slammed my thumb on the answer call button and pressed the cell next to my ear. “Brody?”

“Need you to come to the office,” he grunted out.

I stood, already reaching for my keys on the coffee table. “Why? What’s happened?”

“I’ll tell you when you get here.” He paused. “Better bring your dog.”

My stomach sank, but part of me hoped he was sending me ba

ck to watch Belle. Garza was behind bars, and the immediate threat was gone, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t still in some kind of danger.

“I’m on my way.” I ended the call and whistled for Lottie, but she was already next to me, her ears low as if she knew we were about to go into some kind of battle.

I exited my house and locked it behind me, then ran to my car, letting Lottie jump into the passenger seat first, and then I was speeding out of there, ready to get my mind working and not wallowing in everything that had happened over the last twelve months.

Chapter Seventeen


I’d survived the weekend without leaving my dorm room, but now it was Monday, and not only did I have class, but I also needed to get some supplies from the store. So as I made my way out of the building, I resolved that I’d try harder today.

I’d try to smile.

I’d try not to drag my feet.

I’d try to be more like the Belle I used to be.

But as soon as I walked out of the main doors and saw Curtis’ face as he leaned against the wall, I doubted whether I could do it. Too many questions were still floating around in my own head, so I was certain I didn’t have time or space for his questions.

“Belle,” he greeted as I walked past him.

“Hey,” I replied, doing my utmost to sound normal.

We walked side by side down the sidewalk and toward the main part of town, silence separating us. I kept flicking my gaze to him, wondering if he was going to say something or not, and finally, once we were walking into the store, he said, “So you ran away from me on Friday.”

I dipped down to get a handbasket and murmured, “I did.”

Curtis chuckled, the sound so easygoing that it made me smile. He held his hand out. “I’ll hold that for you.”

I swallowed and passed him the handbasket. “I’m sorry, Curtis.” A lump built in my throat, but I managed to push it down. “I just couldn’t face anyone.”

He smiled sadly at me. “I get it.” He tilted his head. “What have we come in here for?”

“Supplies.” I walked beside him as we moved up and down the aisles. It was different living in the dorm, so I just got the essentials: peanut butter, jelly, and bread. And some chocolate in case I had a craving for it.

“So no bodyguard today?” Curtis asked, and I whipped my head up to face him.

“What?” I spluttered. “I don’t know what you—”

“Hey, hey.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and halted me. “I was only joking. I was talking about Ford. He’s usually a couple of steps behind you.”

“Oh. Well…” I wasn’t sure what to say to him. I definitely couldn’t tell him that Ford had been my bodyguard while he was here, but now he was gone, just like Stella. “He…erm, he went home.”

Curtis nodded and bent his knees so his face was level with mine. I wasn’t sure why that reminded me so much of Ford, but the way he grasped my chin with his thumb and finger was so similar it almost knocked me off-kilter. “You doing okay, Belle?”

I opened my mouth, about to tell him I was fine, but my head shaking answered for me. I wasn’t okay. I knew that. The problem was, I wasn’t the kind of person who could put a front on. At least, not for long anyway.