I clasped on to his biceps as his hand moved faster, pushing me off the cliff and making me tumble to an orgasm that overtook my entire body. Ford stilled inside me as I dug my nails into his skin, sure to leave marks, but I didn’t care.

All I could feel was him and the burst of energy from the fireworks exploding inside of me. And then it was gone, but Ford was still there, staring down at me with awe in his eyes.

“You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, Baby Belle.” I bit down on my bottom lip as he whispered his hand over my face. “I’m gonna fuck you real hard now, okay?”

“Okay,” I murmured, swallowing as he leaned back from me.

His hands trailed down my legs to my ankles, and he maneuvered them so they were on his shoulders. “Hold tight,” he warned, grasping my ass for leverage. And then he was pummeling me so hard, but it felt so goddamn good. He didn’t move his gaze off mine as he lifted me higher and thrust harder.

“Fuck,” he ground out.

My back bowed as he hit my G-spot, and my hands clutched the sheet underneath me. “Right there, Ford.” I gasped a breath. “Fuck me just like that.”

My words spurred him on, and he adjusted me so he could move one hand to my chest and play with my nipple. He twisted it as he kept hitting my G-spot, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could— “It’s coming,” I gritted out, feeling another orgasm brewing, but this one was different.

“Let go, Belle,” Ford begged. “Let go just for me.”

A breath left me in a whoosh, and he pinched my nipple one final time, and then I was flying high, feeling something I’d never felt before as he continued to thrust inside me.

“Fuck yeah, I can feel you pulsating around my cock.”

I moaned and flung my head back, loving every second of my orgasm but being greedy and wanting more. And then Ford stilled, and I felt every jerk of his cock inside me as he came. He let his body fall onto mine, wrapping his arms around me, then rolled over so I was on top of him.

Our skin was sweaty, my room smelled like sex, but I was content. I was always content when it came to Ford. And for the first time in four days, I finally felt like I was home.

Chapter Thirteen


Sitting across the table from Belle felt easier as we all gathered out on the balcony for a cookout. I had a feeling it was because of what we’d done this morning. All my pent-up frustration had bubbled up, and as soon as I knew we were alone, I’d gone to her without a second thought. The sleeves on my T-shirt covered the nail marks she’d left me with, a wound I was proud of.

I stared at her as she spoke to Asher, the pair of them in animated conversation, and I wondered if she could feel my gaze on her. Could she tell when I was watching her? Did she like it when I didn’t take my eyes off her?

“You’re staring,” a new voice whispered to me, and I whipped my head around and came face to face with Aria.

“What?” I asked, acting as if I hadn’t heard her loud and clear.

Her lips curved on one side, and she leaned back in her seat. “You heard me.” She stared at me for several seconds and raised a brow. “Do anything fun this morning?” she asked, but she didn’t give me a chance to answer as she continued, “I was meant to go to the store with Lola, but I wasn’t feeling too good, so I stayed home.”

I frowned, wondering what she was talking about and then—fuck. She was home this morning, which meant—

“Tyson, I—”

She held her hand up to stop me. “My lips are sealed, Ford.” She grinned then, the type of grin I didn’t see on her face often. “I expected dirty talk from you, but jeez, Belle has a mouth on her too.”

“What?” Belle asked from across the table, obviously having heard her name. “Belle has a what?”

I didn’t take my gaze off Tyson, knowing if I looked at Belle, I wouldn’t be able to keep my mask in place. Tyson knew what we’d done, but I had no idea if she’d keep it to herself or tell the entire table. And if she did—no, she wouldn’t. There was a time where she and Cade had been a secret, and I’d been one of the only people to know.

“I was just telling Ford how Lottie lay with me while I didn’t feel well this morning,” Tyson told Belle, and I finally managed to look away.

“She’s a cool dog,” Asher said, joining in on the conversation which he had no idea about. “She watched me work out this morning, and was jumping in time with each of my pull-ups.” He chuckled, and I smirked, imagining Lottie doing that. She’d fit right in with the family in seconds, and now I was sure they’d all miss her when we were gone.

“I didn’t know you didn’t feel well,” Cade interrupted, obviously having been listening to us talk. His hand landed over Tyson’s on the table, and I could see the concern in his eyes.

“It’s just the new meds,” Tyson told him. “I stayed at the house while Lola went to the store this morning and—”

Belle spluttered, and I glanced at her, meeting her gaze and having a silent conversation. She understood what Tyson was saying now, and one look at me, and she knew that Tyson knew. Her eyes widened, and I could see the panic worming its way up, so I pushed lower in my seat and wrapped my legs around her ankles, giving them a squeeze in reassurance. She didn’t need to worry because I knew deep down Tyson would never out us. Not yet, anyway.