“Fuck.” I tensed so much I was sure my teeth would crack from the intensity. “You feel so fuckin’ good.” I was only an inch or so in, but it was all I needed to know nothing would be the same again. Not after kissing her. Not after touching her.

She wrapped her arms around my waist, and I pushed down on my knees and lifted her up. There was nothing I wanted more than to look down and watch as she pushed herself onto my cock, but I couldn’t resist the lure of her eyes. They were pulling me in, holding me captive, and threatening not to let me go.

Her mouth opened, and a small gasp slipped out, and then I was fully inside her. She winced a little, but I knew it was just her adjusting to my size.

I gripped her at the waist, our chests connected, and then asked, “You ready, Baby Belle?”

She pressed her forehead to mine. “Always.” That one word meant so much more than just for now, but I didn’t want to think about it, not when she was attached to me in every way possible.

I lifted her slightly and then brought her back down, going slow, but she wasn’t having any of it. She pulsed her own rhythm, and it was driving me crazy. Every inch of my body wanted to take control. Belle was testing my limits, but if there was anyone I could give in to, it would be her. But I couldn’t do it right then, so I moved us back down to the bed and pistoned my hips faster and harder, loving the way her boobs bounced from the movement. My hand was connected with hers, our gazes locked, and it was right then I knew…

Nothing would ever be the same, not after this.

* * *


I wasn’t sure what to say. For hours my brain had been thinking of word combinations, but each time I opened my mouth, nothing would come out.

I’d slept with Ford.

I’d had sex with him.

I’d shown him a part of me I never thought I would.

And I didn’t regret a single second of it.

But whether he did was another matter. We’d only had a couple of minutes in bed after the epic-ness that was our sex before his cell had rung. I wasn’t sure if he knew I’d seen my dad’s name flashing on the screen, but his slew of curse words as he jumped out of my bed and yanked his sweats on made me nervous.

And now we were alone again. His call had lasted a couple of hours, and I could hear the rest of the team as he switched to his laptop

. I had no doubt he was on a video call, and after what had happened last night, I wasn’t surprised they were talking for so long. But it didn’t help my nerves.

Would he tell me it was a mistake, just like he had the day after he kissed me in my bedroom? Or would he stand by what he said? He’d been confronted with the reality of who I was only minutes after shattering my world with a mind-blowing orgasm. So what now? What happened from here? I had no idea, but what I did know was I wanted to do it again. The ball was in his court, and I hated how much he controlled it.

Ford walked beside me as we moved toward his car. He opened my door for me, just like he always did, but I noticed how he made sure not to touch me. My shoulders sagged. I’d laid myself bare for him, and he’d taken me without a second thought. And now…now I was the girl who had been taken for a fool and—

My cell ringing cut me off just as Ford closed the door. I pulled it out, not really looking at the screen as I pressed the answer call button and placed it next to my ear.


“Belle?” Mom shouted down the line and nearly pierced my eardrum. “Thank god! Your dad just told me what happened last night. Are you okay? Do you need me to come down to you? Maybe you should come home and—”

I laughed at how fast she spoke. “I’m fine, Mom. I promise.” I glanced at Ford as he started the engine, but his attention was focused ahead of him as he drove out of the lot.

“Are you sure? I can be down there in a few hours. I’m ready, all I have to do is—”

“Really, Mom. I’m okay.” I swallowed and looked out of the passenger window, watching as other cars drove by us. “Ford is here and—”

“Ford.” I heard Mom heave a sigh. Ford and Mom knew each other from way back. In fact, they’d known each other longer than Dad and Ford. “Thank fuck he was there.”

“Mom!” My eyes widened. “Language.”

“What?” she asked, and I could imagine her face was one of innocence. “I think if there is one situation where I can say ‘fuck,’ then this is it. Someone tried to break in and steal my baby. When I find out who it is, I’m gonna skin them alive. And I swear to god, they will not know what hit them. I’ll chop their balls off and—”

“Okay, okay. Calm down, you psycho.” I held my hand out in front of me even though she couldn’t see it. Mom wasn’t a violent kind of person. She’d told me about her past and the violence she’d had at the hands of someone who was meant to love her, but she still hated it as much as she did back then. Unless it was someone she loved. Then I could imagine she’d kill for them. Mom was protective, but that was nothing compared to Dad. And I couldn’t help but think about what they’d do if they found out Ford and I had slept together. One of their friends, part of the family, and we’d crossed a line I wasn’t sure we could ever come back from. I shook my head and tried to focus on the here and now, even though Ford was literally inches away from me.

“We all know what a badass you are, Mom.” I closed my eyes and tried not to think about last night and how frightened I was. “I’m sure it won’t happen again.”