I reached out and grabbed her hips, yanking her toward me. “Shall we find out?”

And that was exactly what we did.

Chapter Eighteen


Jan’s hands covered my eyes, trying to stop me from seeing inside the diner. I wouldn’t tell her I’d had a sneak peek when I’d gotten out of her car only moments ago and witnessed all the pink banners and balloons, so instead, I stayed silent and waited as she walked us inside and pulled us to a stop.

“Okay, so we’re the first ones here but, surprise!”

She pulled her hands away from my face, and I glanced around. Every table was covered in pink cloth, balloons floating around in the air, and a huge banner that read “It’s a Girl!” hanging above the counter.

“Wow.” I wasn’t sure what I should say. It was more than I’d expected, and the damn pregnancy hormones were kicking in already. “Jan… I…” I turned around and threw my arms around her shoulders.

She squeezed me just as hard as I squeezed her and sniffled. “Anything for baby Belle.” She’d taken to calling my bump that after I’d told her what had happened at the ultrasound when we found out it was a girl. It felt so natural, as if the baby was never meant to be called anything but Belle.

I pulled away, wiping my fingers under my eyes and hoping my mascara hadn’t run. “Where’s everyone else?”

“Sal went to his trailer to get changed.” She rolled her eyes and huffed out a breath. “He said I’d made him sweat with all the blowing of balloons.” I chuckled and walked toward the table that had a huge centerpiece of diapers with pink ribbon wrapped around it. “And Cade is—”

“Here,” his voice announced. “Cade is in the building.”

“Another slacker,” Jan whispered. “You’d think he’d want to put his growing height to good use, but apparently, I’m too bossy.”

“No apparently about it,” Cade said as he walked over to us, his grin looking similar to Brody’s. “You’re a tyrant.”

“I am not!” She slammed her hands onto her hips and narrowed her eyes at him. “I run a tight ship, that’s all.”

Cade snorted, and I grinned at them both. I was happier than I’d ever been just watching the two of them banter back and forth. I’d been living in Brody’s house—our house—for a few days, and it was so natural that it scared me a little. Waking up next to him every morning was the best part of my day, especially when he was pressed against me, warming my body in all sorts of ways.

I shuffled on the spot and bit down on my bottom lip when I thought about the way he’d woken me up this morning. He hadn’t been pressed against my back that time, but pressed between my legs, his lips working their way to my—

“Earth to Lola!” Jan waved her hand in front of my face. “Where did you run off to?”

“No-wh-ere,” I croaked out, turning around to stare at the food covered in Saran wrap. “I was just thinking.”

“Mmmm,” she said. “I’m going to go and find Sal.

He should have been back by now.”

Her footsteps pounded on the floor as she walked away and out of the diner, but I still didn’t look back at her, aware of the heating of my cheeks. The door whooshed open and closed behind her, and only then did I look up at Cade.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey.” He looked down at the diapers on the table and then glanced over at me. “So...any chance I could get some free tutoring this year?”

“Free?” I asked, placing my hand on my hip. “And why would you think you’d get it for free, Cade Easton?” I raised a brow, trying to keep my lips in a straight line.

He shrugged. “Figured that being your boyfriend’s son should come with some perks.” His lips quirked on one side. “Plus, my little sister will need a college graduate as her big brother, which means I can’t fail out of high school.”

“Ohhh.” I narrowed my eyes. “You had to bring out the big brother card, huh?”

“I was told it works.”

“You were correctly informed.” My lips finally broke out into a smile. “Yes, I’ll tutor you, but I can’t promise you shakes and fries this time.”

The door whooshed open again, footsteps pounding on the floor, but neither of us looked away from each other.