“Did I say you could talk?” He tutted, his gentle fingers turning rough in the blink of an eye. He gripped my chin and forced my attention on him, and only him. “You’ll learn the rules soon enough,” he said, his eyes getting darker. “They all learn the rules.”

I swallowed, not sure what he was saying or what he meant, but it couldn’t have been anything good.

He let me go, smoothed out the lapels on his jacket, and turned to face Hut. “You have the product?”

“Yeah.” Hut pointed over at the corner. “It’s all there.”

“Good.” Carson nodded to one of his guys. “Get the payment.”

I backed away a step, wondering if I could run while they were occupied, but my back hit a body, and then hands were gripping my arms. Not hard the way that Hut had held me, but with enough force that I wouldn’t move.

“Take her to the car,” Carson said, flicking his wrist in the air in dismissal.

“The car?” I asked, my eyes widening. He was taking me with him—taking me away. I couldn’t allow myself to be put in that car. I’d heard the stories of what Carson did to women he liked, and there was no way I’d allow myself to be in that position.

“Yes, Lovely Lola.” Carson sighed and shook his head at me like I was being difficult. “You’re my new pet, and pets do as they’re told. Now, off you go.”

“No.” My voice was small as I tried to shrug Carson’s guy off of me. “No,” I said, firmer that time. “I won’t go.”

Carson laughed, his head thrown back from the force, and I really wanted to punch him in the face. He thought this was funny, but it wasn’t. And Hut was just standing there, not caring in the slightest that he’d just sold me.

“Oh, Lola, Lola, Lola.” Carson tutted again and darted forward. His hand made contact with my hip, and he yanked me into his chest, his erection poking me in my stomach. “You don’t know what your refusal does to me.” He groaned and ran his nose up the side of my neck. “I can’t wait to get you in my bed.” He pulled back slightly. “Or maybe I’ll take you here and now, show your brother that you’re all mine?”

“No.” I shook my head and tried to pull away. “You can’t do this. You can’t!” I slapped my hands off his chest, needing to get out of his hold, but he gripped me harder and pawed at my T-shirt, trying to pull it up. I couldn’t let him get to me. I couldn’t let him do this.

“Please,” I begged, tears streaming down my cheeks. I just wanted this to be a dream and not the reality I was thrust into.

Carson groaned. “God, you beg so good.” He flashed me a devilish smirk and gripped my bicep. I didn’t get the chance to process what was happening as he yanked me out of the warehouse and toward his car on the gravel.

“No, please. Stop.” My words were hitting deaf ears. He kept on pulling, and one of his guys opened up the back door. “I’m pregnant!” I screamed, the words echoing around the empty space.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

It was out of my mouth without a second thought, I should have regretted it, not knowing what they would do, but I didn’t. A small part of me hoped it would stop them from hurting me.

“You’re…pregnant?” Carson halted, his body perfectly still. It took him a second to process it, and then he was shoving me away and screwing his face up. “You gave me damaged goods!” he roared at Hut who had followed us out of the warehouse.

I swallowed and stared at Hut with wide eyes. This was my chance to get away, my chance to run, but my feet were planted to the ground, not willing to move.

“I…didn’t know,” Hut replied, not looking away from me. We were in a stare-off, and I could feel the rage rolling from him in waves.

“She’s no use to me now.” Carson threw his hands up in the air and spun to face his guy. “Put the payment back.” The guy spun around on his command, and Carson turned to face me. “I would have made you my queen, Lola.” His gaze dipped to my stomach. “The spawn has damaged you though.” He huffed out what sounded like a tired breath. “Such a shame.” I didn’t see his arm lift until it was too late, and then the back of his hand was connecting with the side of my face. The force sent me tumbling to the gravel, but I turned at the last second, protecting my stomach from the impact.

Carson drove away, kicking up gravel that bit against my skin. It was just me and Hut left now, and he had no choice but to take me home. Whatever was happening with him and Carson was no longer an option. The deal had fallen through, and it was all because of me.

“This is all your fault,” Hut said, his voice closer than I thought. I blinked several times and turned to face him a couple of feet away. “I got arrested because of you.” He stepped forward. “No one will do a deal with me because of you and your boyfriend.” Another step. “And now you let him get you pregnant.” A final step and his boots were in line with my face.

I should have attempted to get up. I should have run away into the vast darkness that surrounded us, but I couldn’t bring my body to move. Hut and Carson knew the truth, but it didn’t always set you free. Sometimes it trapped you.

He lifted his boot, and I flinched away, trying to move as quick as I could, but the sole of it pushed against the side of my face. He pressed harder, causing gravel to pierce my skin on the other side.

“I should kill you.” His voice was like whiplash, but the truth was ringing out with each syllable. “I should cut you to pieces and send them one by one to that fuckin' traitor Brody.” He twisted his boot into my face harder, and

I called out, the pain becoming too much.

“Please, Hut, you’re hurting me.” Tears streamed down my face. “Please,” I choked out on another sob.

His boot lifted, and I breathed a sigh of relief, but I shouldn’t have. I shouldn’t have taken a second to catch my breath, I should have sprung up and run because then he was on me, straddling my thighs.