ls flared as he leaned over the table. “And if you do, I’ll kill her.”

My back straightened, and as much as I was enjoying winding him up, he was pressing all the right buttons to have my flip switching.

“You think what I’ve done to her so far is bad? You have no fuckin' idea.” His threat was clear, but that threat was just another thing we could now hold against him.

“Too bad she has no idea you’re even here,” Jord said as he ambled closer to us. “She’s probably living it up somewhere far away from you. Although”—he gripped the back of the chair next to me—“I’m sure she’d add more value to our case. She is, after all, your sister. A jury would eat up everything she says. And I’m sure when they hear the horror story of you holding a knife to her throat, and one of your crew members installing a lock on her bedroom door, they’d realize that you’re not just a piece of drug-dealing scum, but a danger to women too.”

I blinked as Jord gave his spiel, and understood what he was trying to do. If he did somehow make it out of here, and he thought Lola was one of the reasons, he’d find her and hurt her. But Jord had him second-guessing himself. Sure, she’d known I was undercover for the last week or so, but she’d gotten out, so she didn’t care what I was doing to Hut. He wouldn’t see it that way though.

Hut’s lips pursed and he looked down at his clenched fists on the table. “I want my lawyer.”

I’d wondered how long it would take him to ask for one. I grinned at Jord and gathered up all the images. “You got it, Emerson.” His low growl batted off the walls, but it did nothing to frighten me. He was like a small puppy with a bone he didn’t want to share.

I sauntered out of the room, Jord on my tail, and moved down the hall for the next person I needed to talk to. I rapped my knuckles on the door and pushed it open.

Ryan sat on a chair in the corner, and Ford sat on the sofa. This room was a tool we used to lull suspects into thinking they were safe. The nice furniture and bright walls made them feel like they weren’t being interrogated. But that wasn’t what we were using it for today. Ford had been arrested just like Hut, but it was all for cover. We just needed to fill him in on a few things, and then he could be on his way.

“Ford,” I said as I closed the door behind me.

“Brody?” His brows furrowed, and he glanced from me to Ryan. “What’s going on?”

I sat in the chair next to Ryan, opposite Ford, and leaned my forearms on my thighs. “I’m Agent Brody Easton.”

Ford blinked several times, processing the four words I just spoke. “You fucker!” His chest lifted on a breath, but he didn’t make any move to get up. “It was you that told them about Jenna.”

“I did.”

“And then...shit. I had no idea.” He stared at a spot on the wall behind me. “What does all this mean?”

“As I said to you when we first spoke,” Ryan started, “you have immunity for the information you have provided. Should this case go to court—which we’re ninety-nine percent sure it will—you’ll need to testify, after which you’ll be reunited with Jenna.”

“And she’s safe?” Ford asked, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. “Jenna is safe?”

“She is,” I answered, causing Ford to look my way.

“You helped Lola get out too, didn’t you?”

I shook my head, and my teeth ground together. “I didn’t. She did that all on her own.”

“Oh.” Ford nodded. Today had been a lot to process.

“I just wanted to come in and tell you who I was.” I stood and widened my stance when he stood too.

“I always thought there was something off about you,” Ford said, a smile on his face. “I didn’t think it’d be this though.” He held his hand out to me, and I glanced down at it with raised brows. “Thank you.” He cleared his throat. “Thank you for helping with Jenna. If you wouldn’t have followed me that day, she’d still be trying to hide from Hut on her own.”

I placed my hand in his and squeezed once. “You’re welcome.”

“Will he go down?” Ford asked when I pulled away.

“If all goes to plan”—I stepped toward the door—“he won’t live another free day for a long time.”

Chapter Eight


Thirty-six long hours, two hours’ sleep in that time, and I was finally heading home. I didn’t have a case I had to return to undercover, and I didn’t have anywhere I needed to be for the next day. Everything was coming to fruition. The end goal we’d been working toward was right in front of us.

We’d spent the majority of the last twenty-four hours interviewing Hut and getting more and more agitated with his “no comment” that his lawyer told him to use. He wasn’t giving us anything, not that we expected anything less, but I’d resolved that I wasn’t going to leave until he was charged. Finally, he’d had his rights read to him, and he was heading down the path he deserved.