The detonation happened so suddenly that I cried out. I couldn’t do anything to stop it. It wasn’t that I’d never had an orgasm, because I had, by myself and other people, but this was different. More intense. Just…more.

He eeked it out as I let go of his hair, flopping my arm beside me like it was a separate entity to my body. I felt his breath on me as he pulled away, his hands stroking up my sides as he climbed onto the bed, the last of his clothes having disappeared.

I opened my eyes, taking him all in. His chest was a wall of muscles joined to his abs. Each contour rippling as he moved, but it was the muscles pointing down that drew my attention.

I lifted up onto one elbow, d

rinking in the sight of him in the same way he had me. I’d never been a fan of dicks. They seemed ugly and kind of…weird. But Brody’s…

Could you call a dick beautiful? Because that was exactly what his was.

Before I knew what I was doing, my hand was touching it, relishing in the silky smoothness of the head and over the veins that ran through his impressive length. His groan bounced off the walls, and I snapped my head up.

“Darlin', if you keep touching it, I can’t be responsible for what it might do.”

I snorted, which drew a grin from him. “That right?”

“Yep.” He nodded and dipped his head closer, his lips pressing against mine. “It has a mind of its own.”

My legs wrapped around his waist as he settled between my legs, his hand gripping the side of my breast, his fingertips smoothing over my ribs. “Maybe he could show me what he can do.” I tried to shrug, but all it did was bring my chest closer to his.

“Oh, he’s gonna show you, all right.” He pulled back slightly, and I felt him drag the head of his dick against my folds, and then he was at my entrance, slowly pushing in just like he had with his fingers.

His arm beside me tensed, his muscles taut. “Fuck, you’re so goddamn…” He didn’t finish his sentence as he filled me to the hilt, and damn, I’d never felt so full in my entire life. Feeling his skin against mine had something burning inside me, something I was afraid he’d see when he looked down at me, but that small smile he showcased told me he liked it.

“I’m gonna move now,” he warned, and all I could do was nod.

His movements started out slow, his hands running over my chest and hips, not knowing where to stop, but as he started to go faster, his hands gripped my hips, his fingers digging into the flesh. The biting sting added to each of his thrusts, and then he was going harder than I thought I could handle, but there was no way I’d tell him to stop.

My body was on fire, but his flames burned just as bright, threatening to overcome me within seconds. His hand hooked between our bodies, pressing against my clit, and it was like he’d just flicked on a light switch because he set me off for a second time, his groans mixing in with mine.

His rhythm became erratic, and then his body tensed as he let out a growl. “Fuckkk.” He stretched out the word, and all I could think was how he looked. His pleasure had me wanting to view it a thousand times over. There was nothing sexier than watching as a man succumbed to you, and at that moment, I knew I wouldn’t ever be the same again.

Brody had changed a piece of me. He’d knocked a chink in my armor and burrowed in the space I’d kept off-limits to anyone else. I hadn’t thought it was possible, but as he stared down at me, his eyes full of earnest hope and his lips spread into a wide smile, I knew there was no coming back from this.

* * *


I didn’t want to think about the last time I’d woken up in bed next to a woman, not while Lola was pressed against me, her soft snores ringing out in the otherwise silent room. If I went there and thought about it, there’d be no coming back. I denied it, and that was the most dangerous of all, because if I couldn’t be honest with myself, then what was the point?

I’d lived the last fifteen years of my life being the good guy. I was there whenever anyone needed me. I was present for every little thing that cropped up, all the while building my career and becoming one of the best DEA agents.

But none of that mattered when I stared down at Lola.

She was an innocent in all of this, an innocent who shouldn’t have been involved, but now she was—deeper than planned. If there was one thing I could be honest about, it was that she tied me up in knots. She had my stomach twisting and turning, my head off in another land that only she and I resided in.

I was so fucked.

She didn’t know me, at least not fully. I’d tried to stay away from her and keep my mind on the job, but it was im-fucking-possible. A new plan was needed, one where she would be safe when everything went down, but I didn’t even know where to start. Maybe I could get her away from Hut, make her see sense and set her up in an apartment, but that would mean I’d have to tell her what I was doing here, which could possibly mean the end of seeing her and the end of the operation. That wouldn’t work.

And after? I thought to myself. What would happen if she did agree to it? Because nothing could happen, not when I went back to my old life—the one I’d spent years building. She didn’t belong there, but the longer I stared at her, the more I doubted whether I did either. I was away on jobs more often than not, so wherever the assignment took me became my home. My thoughts were running rampant, but the moment her eyes opened sleepily, it all faded away.

“Morning,” she whispered, her cheeks flushed.

“Mornin',” I greeted back, dipping down to her lips, not able to resist for a second longer.

She was tentative, as was I. When I asked her back here, I hadn’t intended for this to happen, but waking up next to her…