Jax paused as I pushed out of the truck, his gaze zoned in on me. He was trying to figure out why I’d waited, but if he wasn’t going to tell me what was going on with him, then there was no way in hell I’d admit I only got out of the truck at the prospect of seeing Lotus inside. I had a fuckin’ schoolboy crush, but damn if it didn’t feel good.

The club was heaving with people, the music on louder than usual, and it took us way too long to get through the crowd gathering near the door. I didn’t recognize half the men, but they all wore the same cuts as Jax. “Chapter from two states over,” Jax supplied, answering my silent question, but his words didn’t put me at ease. If anything, they had me on edge. I didn’t want to admit Lotus was the first thing coming to my mind, wondering if she was okay.

She’d worked here for over half a year, and I had no doubt she could handle herself. I should have turned around and walked out. I should have forgotten about the way she made me feel because it was just a crush. I didn’t have time or energy for anything other than my business and making sure I made it through the nightmares which plagued me every night. But as I’d made my mind up to leave, I spotted her toward the back of the club.

I paused, watching as a hand grasped on to her waist. Leather covered the guy in front of her, so I knew he was part of the club, but as soon as he yanked her toward him, something switched inside me. It wasn’t that I thought she was in danger. I didn’t like the way he was touching her. If I really sat back and thought about it, I knew I sounded insane, but fuck, I couldn’t goddamn help it.

Her gaze met mine as I stalked toward them, and as soon as her soulful eyes connected with mine, I saw the relief shining there. She was happy I was here and heading toward her, which made my back straighten. I was doing the right thing. She didn’t want to be near this guy, and if I could get her away from him, she’d be more comfortable. Or maybe she viewed me like all the other men in this club too? The thought sobered me, but I didn’t stop my momentum as I halted right next to them and met the guy’s stare.

He was at least half a foot shorter than me, and even though he was wearing club colors and gave me a look of death at being so close to him and Lotus, I didn’t back down. “She’s mine,” I told him, my voice a growl. I didn’t mean what I’d said, but I knew exactly what he needed to hear to get him to back off.

His eyes narrowed on me and then her as he waited for her confirmation, and as soon as Lotus nodded, he let her go, causing her to stumble into me. I didn’t hesitate as I wrapped my arm around her bare waist, glued her to my side, and headed through the crowd and backstage. There was a hallway hardly anyone used back there.

I gritted my teeth, trying not to think about the skimpy outfit she was wearing. The only things covered were half of her breasts and her damn pussy, but even then, there was little left to the imagination. I wanted her to cover herself, not because I didn’t want to see her without clothes on, but because I didn’t want to see it in this way.

We entered the darkened hallway, and I let go of her, then ripped my arms out of my jacket. It would be entirely too big on her because I was at least one hundred pounds heavier and a foot taller, but it would cover her while we talked. “Here.” I handed it to her, but she just stared at it like a bomb about to explode.

“What’s that?” she asked, her brows furrowing.

“My jacket.” I swallowed, using all of my energy to keep my attention on her face and not let it slip over her body. I was in a damn strip club, and I couldn’t even look at a half-naked body. What the hell was wrong with me?

“I don’t need your jacket,” she whipped out, slamming her hands onto her hips. “I’m a fuckin’ stripper, and you’re telling me to cover up?” She was deathly serious and had me on edge, and I didn’t know what the fuck to do.

“Take the damn thing, Lotus.”

“Why?” She laughed, but it was a sad kind of laugh. “The one guy in this place who makes me feel safe, and he wants me to cover up.” She shook her head. “Unbelievable.” My nostrils flared, and I was losing control. The grip I had was loosening, and the more she fumed at me, the fuckin’ hotter she became. “I’m not taking your damn jacket, Asher.”

“Yes, you fuckin’ are,” I warned, stepping forward. She took a step back, but instantly collided with the wall behind her. “Take it and cover yourself up so I can actually have a conversation with you.”

She stared at me for several beats, something swirling in her blue eyes. “What’s the matter? You a virgin?” The way she said the last word told me she wasn’t used to confronting someone like this, but I’d play this game if she wanted me to. I was hanging by a thread, and damn if I didn’t want it to snap.

I let my jacket drop to the floor and took one giant step so my entire body was pressed against hers. My palms met the wall above her head, and I caged her in, loving the way she looked a little frightened at first but also safe. She was a contradiction, a puzzle I craved to solve. “Do I look like a fuckin’ virgin?” I asked, my voice low and threatening, but fuck if she didn’t have me nearly caving in as her finger trailed down the side of my forehead, tracing the scar there.

“I dunno, Asher.” She bit down on her bottom lip. “Do you?”

I pressed my hips against her, letting her feel what she did to me. A voice in the back of my mind told me I was taking it too far. I wasn’t being fair to her. This was her job, and just because I had a fuckin’ crush on her didn’t give me the right to act the way I was. But goddammit, I couldn’t fuckin’ stop.

Her eyes hooded and her lips parted, signaling she liked the way it felt, telling me I was doing the right thing. “Fuck me, you’re so damn beautiful.” I lifted my hand off the wall and placed my palm on the side of her face, letting my thumb pull at her plump bottom lip. “I wanna kiss you so bad right now,” I told her, not able to look away from her eyes. I was asking for permission, but I was gonna take it either way.

I slammed my lips down onto hers. I ran my tongue over her lips. I groaned as her hands gripped my biceps. And I drifted to goddamn heaven.

Chapter Six


I spotted Leo as soon as I pulled into the parking lot. He was pacing back and forth off to the side of the main entrance, talking to himself and making crazy gestures in the air. A laugh slipped free at how weird he looked, but it was in that endearing kind of way. My usual spot near the front was open, so I pulled into it, took a quick look to see if Knox’s SUV was here, and when I saw it wasn’t, I jumped out of my car and ran toward Leo.


He jumped on the spot and squealed, just like I did when I was a little girl. “Elodie,” he breathed out and patted his palm on his chest as if to slow his heart down. “You scared the crap outta me.”

“Sorry.” I wasn’t really sorry because I had a huge smile on my face. I was in a good mood. The best mood I’d been in for what felt like years. “Why were you pacing?” I asked, hooking my thumbs underneath my backpack straps on my shoulders.

“I…” His eyes widened as if he just remembered what he was about to say. “My mom won the bet.”

“No way!” My mouth dropped open, and I flung my arms around Leo. I didn’t know what made me do it, but it felt natural like I’d done it a thousand times before. I’d never been so open with anyone, but Leo was Leo, and I didn’t doubt hugging him for a second.

“Yes way,” Leo replied, pulling out of the embrace and looking around the lot. If I really thought about it, I should have cared who was around and whose eyes were on us, but at that moment, I didn’t give a shit. “But now they have another bet going.”