“I really am sorry,” Aria said again.

Lola stepped toward her, her head tilted to the side. “You okay, sweetheart?” She placed her hand on Aria’s arm, and even I could see her jump from the contact all the way from here.

“Yeah, I just…” She flicked her gaze over to me and then away. “I normally just…I…” She was finding it hard to talk, and I understood why. The sessions with Dr. Bay were never easy on her, and usually she would come back to my place and sleep the evening away. She wasn’t used to having to interact with other people after them.

“She’s tired,” I interjected, unable to stop myself. “Come and eat, then you can go to sleep,” I told her, doing my best to convey to her I knew what she was trying to say.

Lola rubbed her hand up and down Aria’s arm and nodded. “What Cade said. You look really tired, but you need to eat first.” She pulled her into the kitchen and toward the table.

“You staying for dinner, son?” Dad asked.

I shook my head and leaned against the counter. “Can’t, I need to start packing.”

“Packing?” Belle asked, perking up at my words. “Where are you going?”


Belle’s eyes widened, her mouth opening in shock. “No way!”

“Yep.” I pushed off the counter and moved toward the table. “I’m leaving on Thursday.”

“Can I come?” PB asked, and I should have known it was coming. She always wanted to go on trips with everyone.

“No can do, PB. My mom is getting married—again.” I placed a kiss on the top of her head at the same time reaching for Aria’s back. Aria turned to look at me, her eyes shadowed in sadness. She always had that look after seeing Dr. Bay, and I hated I couldn’t hold her like I had last week. “You still okay to take me to the airport, Dad?”

Lola placed some food in the middle of the table and then walked back toward the counter to get another tray. “Yeah, what time you leaving?” Dad asked, scooping some potatoes onto his plate and then onto Belle’s and Asher’s plates.

“Right after school. I’m going to leave my car at home.” I paused and let my hand drift over Aria’s back, then stood upright. “Could you pick me up from there?”

Lola sat down next to Dad and started to cut up Asher’s food. I remained standing behind Aria. I wouldn’t be able to stay, but I needed her to know I was here no matter what.

“Yeah, I can do that. I’d have to pick Aria up anyway,” Dad said.

My shoulders drooped and a relieved breath rushed out of me. I had time to drop my car home and come over here for him to take me, but that way, I wouldn’t be able to see Aria just before I left. I wanted all the time I could get with her. I was greedy, and I wasn’t afraid to admit it.

* * *


I stared out of the window of my office, my gaze tracking the field and the track. I’d taken Aria and Reagan’s practices back down to twice a week but I worked them just as hard. Just because they’d been to a meet and won races, didn’t mean we could get complacent.

A knock sounded on my office door a second before it opened, and I knew who it was without having to turn and face her.

“I can’t believe I’m not going to see you for three days,” her soft voice said, and I finally spun on my chair. Her lips were pulled up into a sad smile, one that told me she didn’t want me to leave, and I wanted to tell her I felt exactly the same way. I wished I didn’t have to go to another one of Mom’s weddings, but I didn’t have a say in the matter. I’d be the only family she had there.

“I know.” I planted my feet on the floor and pushed my chair farther back then opened my arms for her. She came willingly, not an ounce of hesitation, and cuddled up against my chest.

We could have done countless things for the next ten minutes until my dad would be here, but all I wanted to do was hold her. We hadn’t had a night together since Jan and Sal’s wedding, and as much as I wanted a repeat of the night, this was exactly what I needed.

I needed to feel her against my chest.

I needed her to know I was here, even if I would be thousands of miles away.

I needed her to know it was her and me against the world, always.

She dipped her head back, and I looked down at her. “I’m going to miss you,” she whispered.

“Me too.” I placed a soft, gentle kiss on her lips. “It’ll fly by, just like the next few months.” We were counting the days down until her graduation, and when we would tell everyone how in love we were, but until then, we had to keep quiet. We had to keep our secret. The danger wasn’t gone simply because Willow had left us alone. All it would take was one person to find out and go to the authorities. Although we weren’t breaking any laws now, it would put a stop to my teaching, which would mean I couldn’t coach.