He looked down at his watch and sighed. “We have to get on the road in two hours.”

“So enough time for food then?” she asked, a grin spreading on her face.

“Yes, enough time for food.”

Reagan fist-bumped the air and grabbed Aria’s arm. “Come on, let’s go get changed quickly before he changes his mind.”

Aria’s gaze settled on mine, a silent question showcased in them, and I nodded. They deserved a treat, even if it was only a burger.

* * *


“I swear, I’m not even sure I can move right now,” I moaned as the elevator doors whooshed closed. I had no idea the amount of food Reagan could put away. For someone so food-conscious, she went all out after a race. Burgers, fries, shakes, onion rings, you name it, and the table was full of it.

The doors opened, and Cade stepped out, but I was comfortable where I was leaning, and feeling kind of sleepy too.

“Come on.” He held his hand out for me. “

Let’s get in the room, and you can have a shower then an early night.”

“A shower sounds amazing right now.” I placed my hand in his and let him pull me out of the elevator before the doors closed, and then down the hallway. “Can you believe Reagan wouldn’t let me shower there? They even had individual stalls.”

“She was desperate for a burger.” Cade laughed and halted in front of our room door. “I’ve never seen a girl eat the way she does.”

I walked past him into the room, glad Cade was carrying my bag for me. “Right? I swear she ate enough for all four of us.” My feet dragged across the floor toward the bathroom, and I groaned as I pulled the door open. “Everything hurts.”

Cade chuckled, but his ringing cell cut him off. “It’s Dad, video calling.” I wasn’t sure what he was waiting for, but he clicked to answer the call at the last second. “Hey, Dad.”

“Cade! Finally.” Cade sat on the edge of the bed while I leaned against the bathroom door. “Is Aria there?”

“Yeah, she’s here.”

Cade flicked his wrist at me, and I groaned as I moved closer to him near the bed. I dipped my head to the right and stared at the screen, seeing Uncle Brody’s face. “Hey!”

“Baby girl!” He turned his face away and looked at someone. “Hold on, they all want to see you.” He pulled the cell farther away from his face, letting me see all the people around him. Mom and Sal were there, along with Lola, Belle, and Asher.

“So, tell us!” Mom shouted, jumping in her seat. “What happened?”

I flicked my gaze to Cade, a small smile starting to pull at my lips. “I came in fourth on the eight hundred.”

“Fourth is good, Ri,” Sal said, grinning at me. “Proud of you.”

“Thank you.” I paused, and then shouted, “And I came in first in the sixteen hundred!”

There was a second of silence, and then they all cheered. The sound was so loud I winced, but I couldn’t help laugh at the way they were reacting. They may not have been here with me, but they were always there in spirit.

“Oh my god, Aria! That’s so amazing!” Lola shouted, plucking the cell out of Uncle Brody’s hand. Mom’s face appeared next to her, and they hugged.

“I can’t believe I actually won,” I told them, still not quite able to believe it. I’d zoned in like I never had before.

“Believe it,” Mom said. “I knew you could do it.”

I yawned and started to sit on the end of the bed, but Cade’s hand stopped me. “She’s about to fall asleep, guys,” Cade said. “And she stinks of sweat.”

“Hey!” I couldn’t really be offended because he was right.

“We’ll let you go,” Lola said, her smile wide. “Get some rest. We all love you!”