“Because if you are, know that it’s a special kind of place. You don’t take just anyone to see that kind of beauty.”

“What kind of beauty?” PB asked, running into the kitchen and colliding with my legs.

“The lake house,” I told her, bending down to pick her up. She may have been eight, about to turn nine, but she would never be too big for a hug from her big brother.

“We’re going to the lake house?” she asked, clapping her hands in excitement. “I want to bring my pink swimsuit.”

She wiggled in my hold, so I let her go, but stopped her as she tried to run out of the kitchen. “There’s only me going,” I told her.

“Awww.” She pushed her bottom lip out. “I want to come. Please?” She dragged the last word out, and if it weren’t for the fact Aria and I had to keep our relationship secret, I would have said yes.

My thoughts jarred me. Relationship. We were in a real relationship. Neither of us had confirmed what we were, but there wasn’t a doubt in my mind what I wanted it to be. Me and her. Just us. Something fluttered in my chest, and I pressed my hand against it.

“Please, Cade? Pretty please with a juicy red cherry on top?”

“Sorry, PB. I can’t bring you.”

Her bottom lip wobbled, but within a second it was gone, anger taking over her little body. “This weekend is going to suck!”

“Belle,” Dad warned. “Don’t say suck.”

“What do you want me to say then, Dad?” She planted her hands on her hips, looking so much like Lola it was scary.

“I…erm…I don’t know. Maybe not good?”

“Fine.” She swung her gaze to me. “This weekend is going to be not good. You’re going to the lake house, and Aria is away this weekend too.” My stomach dropped, and I was hyperaware of Dad’s eyes burning through the side of my face. “I have no friends! Ugh. I hate this stupid life.” She twirled around and stomped out of the kitchen, shouting about how unfair it was that she was still eight.

“Look what you caused now,” Dad huffed, pushing his hand through his hair.

“Me?” I raised my brows. “That ain’t nothing to do with me. That’s Lola’s and your genes creating a monster.”

“Don’t call your little sister a monster.”

“What would you like me to call her?” I asked, waiting for his answer, but when he couldn’t come up with anything, I shrugged as if I’d made my point. “I better get going.”

I backed away a step, and just as I was about to turn around, he said, “Yeah, wouldn’t want to keep Aria waiting, huh?”

My back straightened, the little hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. “What?”

“Nothing.” Dad grinned, but I heard him loud and clear. He wasn’t stupid, not by a long shot. There was a reason he was a DEA agent and had gone undercover so many times in my life. He was a master at figuring people out, just like Ford was.

Shaking my head, I turned around, partly on edge from what he’d said but also a little relieved. It wasn’t easy keeping a secret for so long, especially when that secret was Aria. I wanted to shout from the rooftops how I felt about her. I wanted to tell all the people we loved how in love with her I was. But we couldn’t. Not yet.

It didn’t take me long to get back to my house where Aria was waiting outside with a small bag full of her clothes. I’d barely pulled up at the curb when she ran down the driveway and toward the car. I wanted to get out and open the door for her, but she beat me to it, her laugh tinkling around in the car as she slammed the door shut.

“Excited?” I asked.

“How could you tell?” She grinned so wide she could barely contain it. I waited until she had her belt on, and then pulled away from the curb. “How long will the drive be?”

“About two hours.” I leaned back a little more in my seat and kept my attention on the road ahead. “I thought we could cook tonight and then maybe go out on the lake tomorrow?”

Aria spun in her seat, her hands grasping on to my arm closest to her. “Can we go fishing? You know how to fish, right?”

I chuckled and brought one of her hands to my lips. “I do.”

“Will you teach me? I’ve always wanted one of those photos where you’re holding a giant fish.”

My grin was matching hers now. “Then, tomorrow, we shall fish.”