But now I was heading to the school knowing I had a shitstorm coming my way after ignoring Willow last night. She’d stayed outside my door for nearly an hour while I stood in the same spot, waiting for her to leave. And once she did, I crashed on my sofa, not wanting to think

about what would happen today.

I pulled into the lot and hadn’t even exited my car before Willow was on me. “What the hell, Cade?” She threw her hands up in the air, and I raised a brow at her. Her hair wasn’t its normal sleekness. Instead, it was messy and thrown on top of her head. Her usual makeup wasn’t on her face, and the tight skirts and shirts she liked to wear were replaced with pants and a loose-fitting shirt. “I’ve been calling you all night. I came over to your house! Where the hell have you been?”

“None of your business,” I ground out, slamming my car door closed. I stalked past her and groaned when she kept up with my pace.

“I know you were home last night. Your car was there,” Willow continued, oblivious to the way I was acting. “Can’t you see how worried I’ve been? Look at me, Cade. Just see the way I look!”

I took the steps to the entrance of the school two at a time, and just as I opened up the doors, students started to file off one of the school buses in the lot. “Are you serious?” I halted and shook my head at her. “It’s an act, just like everything else. You want attention, and I’m not giving it to you.”

“But you’ll give it to your little whore, huh?” She spread her arms wide. “Why don’t I just tell everyone—”

I grabbed her arm and yanked her inside the building, then pushed her against the wall. “I’m warning you, Willow. One more word from you and I won’t be held responsible for what will happen.”

“Are you threatening me, Cade?” Her eyes widened, but she wasn’t scared. She was one of the best actresses I knew, and I couldn’t help think she’d entered the wrong career.

“No.” I let go of her and stepped back. “That’s a warning. I’ve had a stressful weekend, so just let me get in the fuckin’ building before you jump on me, yeah?”

“Oh.” She pushed her bottom lip out, just like a child would. “I thought you were avoiding me.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her I was, but it wouldn’t do me any good. I still had to tread carefully with her, even more so with everything else going on. I wouldn’t allow her to add any more stress on Aria’s plate, which meant I had to take it until I found a way out.

“No, I told you, I was in the hospital visiting a friend.”

“What friend?” Willow threw back at me.

“A college friend. They got into a car wreck.” The lie fell so easily from my lips as I glanced around, seeing students starting to enter the hallway. “I need to head to my classroom. Can we talk about this later?” I placed a kiss on her cheek, hating I had to do it but knowing it would soften her fall.

“Fine. But I want to know everything that happened,” she warned, and I nodded as I stepped away from her.

My teeth ground together, and I spun around, darting toward my classroom and needing to be away from her. She was pushing every button imaginable, and I knew I wasn’t far from blowing up. It was a matter of time, and when it happened, I needed a plan in place. I needed something to protect Aria.

I closed my classroom door and pulled my cell out to type a message to Ford. He wouldn’t get it until he was back from his undercover job, but that was perfect timing because it meant he wouldn’t be around right now to ask any questions.

Cade: If you get this message and I’m not around, I need you to watch out for Aria. There’s more going on than people realize. She needs support and help, and I think you’re the only one she’ll let do that right now—not that she’ll have a choice. If something happens to me, I need you to tell her you know about Dr. Bay. Tell her you’ll take her to her appointments, and do it because she needs it. She needs me, but I’m not sure I’m going to be able to be there for her. I’ll explain it all the next time I see you, just please, do this for me.

I locked my cell and let out a breath. I’d given him just enough to be able to help Aria, but not too much as to where I would break my promise to her. With the plan now in place, I knew everything would be okay. If I didn’t keep my cool, and Willow ended up telling everyone what she saw, at least Aria would be protected.

The day flew by, and before I knew it, it was lunchtime, and I hadn’t heard from Aria at all. I’d seen her at her locker between lessons, but she hadn’t looked at me. I craved going up to her and asking how she was feeling, but I knew it wouldn’t help. All it would do was draw attention to us, and that was the last thing we needed.

Strolling down the hallway, I headed toward my office in the athletics building but halted when I heard voices. There shouldn’t be anyone in here.

“No one ever comes in here at this time,” I heard a male voice say, one I recognized as Harry the football player—the same student Ford had slammed against the lockers after Aria had gotten in a fight with Jasmine.

“You sure?” I tilted my head to the side, also recognizing that particular voice.

“Yeah, babe. I’m sure.” Some movement echoed, and I drifted closer, looking through the gap in the door to the boys locker rooms. I could see them both clearly, and as soon as I realized what they were doing, I moved my hand to open the door wider, but something stopped me at the last second.

I pulled my cell out and clicked record, knowing this could be the answer to everything. I’d been searching and searching for a way out but hadn’t come up with anything. And now…

Now I could call an end to it all with one little video.

“I’ll show you how to do it, babe,” Harry said, dipping down and snorting a line of white powder off a workbook. “Ahhh, that feels so good.”

“Give it to me,” Jasmine demanded, and snatched the rolled-up bill from him. Her face came fully into view, and then she bent her head and snorted a line too.

My grin was wider than it had ever been before as Jasmine leaned back and stared up at the ceiling. There was no denying their faces in the recording, so I clicked it off and pocketed my cell.