I pumped my arms and willed my legs to go faster so I could get to Aria, and as soon as I ran into the parking lot, I spotted her getting into her mom’s car. “Aria!” I shouted, speeding up the last few feet. Gravel kicked up as I came to a complete stop suddenly, and tried to catch my breath.

“Cade?” Jan called, dipping down so she could see me out of the open passenger door Aria was about to close. “What are you doing?”

I held my finger up, signaling for her to give me a second, and then crouched down. My one hand rested on the inside of the passenger door and the other on the edge of Aria’s seat. I was hyperaware how close my palm was to her thigh, and apparently so was she because she shuffled away an inch.

“I just got an email.” I flicked my gaze from Jan to Aria. “There’s a track meet next Saturday. Three of the competitors have pulled out, which means there are two open spots.”

Aria’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“Really.” I grinned at her and drank in the smile she gave to me. It had been too long since I’d seen that smile. “You and Reagan have been given two of the spots.”

“No way!” Her hands covered her mouth as she whispered, “Oh my god.”

“A track meet?” Jan asked.

I tore my attention off Aria and told Jan, “Yeah, and there’ll be scouts there. Scouts who can offer scholarships and training. It’s…” I trailed off and looked back at Aria. “It’s an opportunity that could change everything.”

“Oh my god!” Jan shouted and threw her hands up in the air. “My baby could

get a scholarship?”

“Yep.” I had no doubt Aria would be offered one. The more she trained, the better her form and times became. She was a natural on the track, there was no doubt about that.

“When did you say it was?” Aria asked, finally getting her bearings. She leaned closer to me, but I wasn’t sure she was aware she was doing it.

“Next Saturday.”

Her face dropped, all the spark leaving her eyes as she bowed her head. “I can’t go.”

“What?” I frowned and placed my hand on her leg, forgetting where I was and who was around. “Why?”

“I have the fitting for the dress for Mom’s wedding and—”

“Psssh.” Jan swiped her hand through the air. “I’ll go and get my last fitting done, and we’ll rearrange yours. This opportunity won’t come around again, Aria. You gotta grab it by the horns and take it.”

Aria’s smile was slow to form as she turned to face her mom. “Really?”

Jan placed both of her hands on either side of Aria’s face and whispered, “Really.”

“So that’s a yes then?” I asked, my hand tightening on Aria’s thigh.

“No,” Jan said, pulling away from Aria and winking at me. “It’s a hell yes.” Jan placed her hands on the steering wheel. “I hope you’re coming on Saturday, Cade. We now have two celebrations.”

“Two?” I asked, moving my hand off Aria and feeling the loss against my palm.

“Yep. The track meet and Aria’s birthday. She’ll be eighteen in three days’ time. My baby is all grown up.” She sighed, but the smile on her face couldn’t be ignored.

“You’re…turning eighteen?” I asked Aria, shocked by what Jan had said. I shouldn’t have been, though. I should have known it was coming up.

“Yeah.” Her voice was small as she stared at me. “I’m having a party at the diner. You should come.” She paused, her cheeks reddening the longer she kept her attention focused on me. “If you want to, that is.”

“I want to,” I told her, not second-guessing for even one moment. Her answering smile was precisely what I wanted, and I couldn’t bring myself to care about Willow’s warning, not when Aria was looking at me like that. I cleared my throat, realizing I was staring at her for a little too long and stood.

“I’ll let you get going.”

I didn’t wait for an answer as I closed Aria’s door and then watched them drive out of the lot.

Chapter Seven