“And I told him, Auntie Aida

, that palaces weren’t just for princesses.” Vida fluttered her lashes up at me, her hands waving in the air. “But he didn’t believe me.” She pursed her lips and shook her head. “Boys are the worst.”

I chuckled, agreeing with her. “Well, you’re my princess, and you’re staying in the palace tonight, so he can just…” I cut myself off, reminding myself I was talking to a five-year-old.

“He can just, what?” she asked, her attention focused solely on me.

Mateo chuckled from the front of the SUV, knowing I’d put my foot in it. “Vida,” he called, pulling to a stop outside of the gates. “Would you like to press the button to open the gates?”

She gasped. “The gates open with a button?”

“Yep.” He grinned back at her and handed her the device that he kept in the center console. “Click the button once, and they’ll open.” He paused, waving his hands in the air. “It’s magic.”

I squeezed my lips together to hold in my laughter as her little eyes got so wide, I thought they were going to pop out of her head. “Wow.” She unplugged her belt and stood in the back. I placed my hand on her waist, keeping her steady as she took the device and pressed the button, her little face in awe as the gates opened. “That’s so cool!” she shouted, placing the device back into Mateo’s palm.

She planted herself right next to me, and I held her close as Mateo drove us through the gates that automatically closed behind us.

“Are there other magic things in the palace, Auntie Aida?”

I grinned down at her. “Of course, there are.” Mateo opened the door for me, and I slipped out, holding my hand out for Vida.

“I’ll get her bag, Aida,” Mateo said as Vida jumped out, her bright pink dress lifting up as she did.

“Thanks, Mateo.”

“This is amazing!” Vida shouted, letting go of my hand and running toward the water feature. She’d been here the night of the wedding, but she hadn’t gotten to explore, not in the way I knew she wanted. She was inquisitive, but more than that, she was nosey.

Her little hands gripped on to the edge of the fountain as she looked down into it. “There’s money in here!” She stared up at me. “Is it a wish fountain?”

“I…” I looked down, seeing the coins at the bottom of it. I’d never noticed it, not until she’d pointed it out. “I don’t know.” I frowned. “Maybe?”

“I bet Uncle Lorenzo knows!” She grinned up at me. “Is he here? I can ask him, and maybe I can make a wish and it’ll come true.”

My stomach rolled at the mention of Lorenzo’s name. I knew it was coming, especially with Vida staying here for the night, but I’d tried not to focus on it too much. Vida asking to sleep over had been a welcome distraction, the buffer I’d needed after a week of not knowing if I was coming or going. I didn’t realize how draining it was being mad at someone and how much effort it took to act blasé about things when it wasn’t in your nature. But it was what I had to do to survive this place. To survive him.

I opened my mouth, about to give some kind of excuse as to why we couldn’t go and see if Lorenzo was here, but before I could say anything, Mrs. Larson opened the mansion doors, and Vida went running through them. “Is my uncle Lorenzo here?” she asked Mrs. Larson.

“He is.” She crouched down in front of her, and the air left me in a whoosh. “You must be Miss Vida.” Mrs. Larson held her hand out for Vida. “I’m Mrs. Larson.”

“Hi, Mrs. Larson.” Vida shook it, her manners outshining everyone else I knew. She was such an amazing little girl. I sometimes wondered where she got it from. “Can you take me to Uncle Lorenzo?”

“I sure can.” Mrs. Larson stood, her gaze floating over to me momentarily. She offered me a small smile, one that told me she knew there had been tension in the house for the last couple of weeks. “This way, Miss Vida.” She led the way through the foyer, and Vida followed closely behind her, her head swiveling around, taking everything in.

“Shall I put this in your room?” Mateo asked from next to me, holding Vida’s backpack in his hand.

“Please.” I cleared my throat and pushed my shoulders back, preparing for Lorenzo’s reaction. He had no idea Vida was coming to stay. At least, I didn’t think he did. I rolled my eyes as I stepped into the foyer. Who was I kidding? Of course, he knew. He knew everything.

I spotted Mrs. Larson standing outside Lorenzo’s office door with Vida beside her, my stomach flipping as she lifted her hand to knock. I couldn’t hear what was said from this far away, but when she turned the door handle, I sped up, unwilling to let Vida enter the room without me.

“Sorry to disturb you, Mr. Beretta,” Mrs. Larson started, her tone tentative. “I have someone here to see you.”

“Who is—”

“Hi, Uncle Lorenzo!” Vida exclaimed, bounding into the room. I stood at the threshold, unwilling to enter the office, not after what I’d witnessed happening inside it.

“Vida.” Lorenzo greeted from behind his desk, blinking at her as she came running toward him. His reflexes were lightning quick as she jumped at him. He caught her without a second thought and set her on his lap. “I love your dress.”