Aida: I never thought I’d say this, but I need a night out and to get wasted.

I stared down at the message, biting down on my bottom lip as I stared at myself in the mirror. I’d been cooped up in my bedroom for two days, not willing to go outside the safety of the walls and see Lorenzo. I couldn’t face him, not when I felt as fragile as I did. I was afraid if he looked at me with his dark eyes and broody stare, I would break apart. It was a risk I wasn’t going to take, not then. But now…now my sadness had been fully replaced with anger. I needed out of here and as far away from Lorenzo as possible.

Noemi: Yes! When and where? Because I am there 100%

I’d held my breath as I typed the message, scared that she’d turn me down. Noemi was the only person I trusted, the only one who would try to understand and have advice I could actually follow. I hoped. If that failed, at least I’d have drowned my sorrows.

Aida: Tonight?

Noemi: Let me see if Ma will watch Vida.

I didn’t move an inch as I waited for another message to come through, and as soon as it did, I sighed in relief.

Noemi: It’s on like Donkey Kong! Get ready, I’ll be at the “palace” in an hour.

I rolled my eyes at her calling the mansion a palace. Vida had called it that after the wedding, and the name had stuck.

“Dinner will be ready in ten minutes, Aida,” Mrs. Larson shouted through my bedroom door, and I grinned. It was time to do what I wanted to—time to have some fun and not care about what anybody thought. I was taking a leaf out of Lorenzo’s book, and I was going to have a damn good time doing it.

I darted into my walk-in closet and stared at the lack of clothes inside it. It was mainly jeans and T-shirts, along with a few church outfits. Nothing suitable for a night out, so I grabbed my cell and shot off another message to Noemi.

Aida: Bring me something to wear?

Noemi: Sure ;)

Pushing my shoulders back, I tried to put on a brave face as I left my bedroom. Voices traveled from downstairs, getting louder as I made it to the door that led into the dining room. Lorenzo’s ma’s distinctive tone mixed in with Dante’s voice had me relaxing a little, but as soon as Lorenzo asked, “Where is she?” I gasped.

I’d managed to avoid him, but now it was time to put on a brave face. Time to show him what happened between us didn’t matter to me anymore because I was done playing his games. Done adhering to all of his commands. It was time for me to do what was best for me, and that involved lining my stomach with food so I could drink as much alcohol as possible.

“She didn’t answer me this time, Mr. Beretta,” I heard Mrs. Larson say, and while they were all distracted, I decided now would be the perfect entrance.

I pushed open the door, pulled my lips up into a smile, and entered. I felt the burn of all of their stares on me, but I didn’t look at anyone in particular. I kept my gaze focused on my seat, and once I was sitting, I stared at the table like my life depended on it.

“Aida,” Ma said. “You look pale.”

Slowly, I lifted my head. “I haven’t been feeling well,” I said softly, hyperaware of Lorenzo sitting next to me.

“Again?” she asked, her eyes drifting over to Lorenzo, then back to me. I could see she knew I was lying and that it was because of him, but she wouldn’t say anything, especially in front of everyone else. He was her son first, but he was also the head of the family, and not just any family, but a Mafia family. No one spoke out against the boss, least of all his mother.

“Yeah.” I swiped my hand through the air, trying to act as carefree as I could. “It must have just been one of those twenty-four-hour bugs.” I inhaled a deep breath as Mrs. Larson placed my plate in front of me. “This looks delicious.” I had no idea what it was on the plate, but right then, I didn’t care. All I needed was to fill my stomach for alcohol purposes, so I chowed down on it, trying not to pay attention to anything around me.

I was on a mission, a singular vision of eating enough to satisfy me but not too much so I wouldn’t fit into whatever Noemi brought with her for me to wear.

“Aida.” Lorenzo’s low voice pinge

d in my ears, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. “Look at me.” I put another forkful of food in my mouth, not looking away from the edge of my plate. “Aida.”

“What?” I growled, snapping my head toward him. Everyone else may have had to stay silent, but I was totally done with playing nice. “What do you want?”

“We need to talk—”

The sound of the doorbell ringing had me sagging with relief, and when I heard Noemi’s loud voice, I jumped out of my seat. “Sorry,” I said to Ma, trying my hardest not to be disrespectful while also needing to get away as fast as I could. “I made plans with my sister.”

The dining room door swung open, and in the doorway stood my big sister, dressed to impress. She held up a bag, a huge grin on her face. “I brought you the perfect outfit.” I had no doubt whatever it was would be slutty, but I didn’t care. I was getting out of this house, and that was all that mattered right then.

“Thanks.” I snapped it out of her grip and practically ran out of the dining room and back to my bedroom. I got changed in record time, slipped a pair of black strappy heels on, then walked into the bathroom.