His voice sent chills down her spine, and she chided herself. When she opened her mouth to answer, a crack of thunder cut her off. She winced and glanced toward the window. The sky had darkened considerably.

“I thought it would have passed over by now,” she said.

He gave her a knowing look. “Doesn’t matter.”

She suppressed a response. The Sartoris were bossy. “I’m a really good driver. I can get home without a problem.”

“You’re still pretending you’re going to disobey?”

“Mr…uh…Cason, really. You don’t need me. I can give you a deep tissue massage where you can handle it and painkillers for your more sensitive areas—”

“Mm, my sensitive areas. Yes, I do need something for those.”

“This is bordering on sexual harassment.”

“Would you like to sue me?”

He said it matter-of-factly. She had to bite her tongue to keep from letting a small scream out. Sometimes she wished she was the kind of woman who could tease back, especially with Cason. Something to make the bigheaded man blush to the roots of his silky hair. Of course, she wouldn’t do that.

And you shouldn’t notice how silky his hair is either.

She finished up with one leg and moved to the other. Cason leaned back in the bed as if he hadn’t a care in the world, but she was sure his muscles were pretty sore. He raised his arms and hooked them behind his head.

“How about we have a little fun this weekend?” he offered. “I won’t offer you money.”

She blinked, not entirely sure of what he meant. “Mr. Ezio offered me overtime and a bonus.”

“I assume you took it.”

She didn’t bother answering but concentrated on massaging his thigh and not letting her itchy fingers explore anywhere else.

“The fun I’m talking about is you and me, right here, late when everyone else is in bed.”

Her fingers spasmed, and she squeezed too hard. To his credit, he only gasped.

“I’m so sorry, Cason. You surprised me. Are you okay?”

He held his hand out toward her. She stared at him.

“I can’t.”

“You can,” he insisted. “You want to. I can feel it. I can read women very well, and you’re interested.”

She licked her lips. “You’re not very kind.”

“And I don’t intend to be. I’m not asking you to be my girlfriend or even a long-term lover. If you haven’t decided to go back to Joseph’s father and there’s no one else, what’s to stop you?”

She shook her head. “I’m actually surprised that would stop you.”

“You aren’t the type of woman who would cheat.”

She dared not ask if he was the type of man who would. What did it matter anyway? Like he said, he wasn’t asking for a relationship. The question was, could she ignore her own conscience when it came to work ethics? Could she ignore the fact that Cason didn’t really want her? She was just the person in front of him at the moment. If a beautiful woman showed up today or tomorrow, he would forget Solette’s existence. She should have a better sense of her worth than that, but she knew she didn’t.

“You don’t know me.” She said the words without heat, but they were true nonetheless. “I’ve only been working here a little over a couple weeks.”

“Why don’t you tell me about yourself then.”

She’d rather escape the room, but attraction to him kept her at his bedside. Visions of what they could do in that bed kept rolling through her mind, making her wish she could turn off her emotions at will and tell him to stuff his offer where the sun doesn’t shine. Unfortunately, she wasn’t mad at him. Her body was too busy wanting him.