She blinked. “Excuse me?”
He set the spoon down. “I’m not trying to be offensive. Unfortunately, that’s the reality of our lifestyle. Maybe another reason your sister didn’t want me to know about Arron. If that’s… Anyway, please do not give out the address or invite anyone here who hasn’t been cleared. I can give you the number to our security firm, and with basic information on the guest we can run a check. Better yet, give me the info, and I’ll handle it.”
“You’re not kidding right now?”
“Sonya, we talked about this at your apartment.”
“I know, but I thought you were being dramatic just to bully me into doing what you wanted. I don’t have a problem with Arron getting to know you as his papa, so I didn’t fight too hard. But you’re telling me I have to get permission for visitors and whatever. That’s too much. We don’t have to live here. Don’t you think you’re being overly sensitive?”
He stood and walked out of the room. Sonya watched him go in shock. Had she offended him so much he threw a tantrum and left? Well, that was his problem. She was only stating her opinion, and exercising her rights. She wouldn’t be treated like a prisoner just because he was Arron’s father.
A few minutes later, he returned and set up a laptop on a corner table near the wall. When he signaled for her to join him, Sonya wiped Arron’s hands and gave him his bottle.
She joined Romy at the laptop, and he played a video that looked like a scene out of a movie. A man in black, clearly holding a gun, crept along the shadows outside the mansion. In seconds, several security guards were onto him and wrestled him to the ground. Sonya’s mouth fell open.
“W-who…where was that?” she stuttered.
“Right outside this room actually. And it was last year. He wasn’t the only one that night. There were two others. Their plan was to break in and hold us for ransom.”
“How do you know that?”
“Authorities managed to get a confession. Besides, this is nothing new. I’m not trying to frighten you, but it’s how it is for people with a lot of money. Others want to take it by any means. Think about it, Sonya. If people like this learn about Arron, what do you think they’ll do?”
Tears filled her eyes. “But it’s not for sure yet. They don’t know. You don’t know.”
“There’s a chance, and just like I took it bringing him here, the bad guys would.” To her surprise, he reached up a hand and gently rubbed a falling tear away. “I’ll protect you and Arron. I promise I will.”
Her heart stirred when he flushed.
“For now,” he rushed to correct. “Until I know.”
Chapter 6
The tiny cry woke Sonya out of her sleep. Blurry-eyed, she climbed out of bed and suppressed her own groan of pain when she came down wrong on her hurt ankle.
Arron usually slept all night, but he tossed and turned in his bed, whining in his sleep. Sonya patted his back. “It’s okay, button. Mamma’s here. Shh, sleep, baby.”
He cried harder, and she lifted him into her arms. Arron kicked his feet and balled his hands into fists. A foul smell filled the air, and she did groan.
“If you had to poop, you could have just done it quietly,” she teased. He continued to fight, and she realized his little tummy must be upset. The poor little thing had some food sensitivities, and Sonya was still learning what they were. Sometimes he would do okay on a particular food and then they suffered through times like now.
Sonya usually walked the floor with Arron and patted his back, or she might hold him and rub his belly to encourage his digestion. She glanced at the clock—two in the morning. Hopefully, the baby wouldn’t disturb anyone in the mansion.
As soon as she had the thought a knock sounded on the door, and she tensed. She ducked her head and whispered to Arron, but her angel continued to cry. The door opened before she could call out, and Romy rushed in, a concerned expression on his face.
“What’s wrong?” He was on her in seconds and reaching for Arron but then drawing back before reaching again. If she weren’t so worried about her little one, she would laugh at the image Romy made. His protective instincts were there, but he was so inexperienced, they terrified him. He had no idea seeing him that way made him human to her, and she forgot his bad first impression.
“His stomach is upset. We’ve dealt with it before. He’ll be okay as soon as he poops good. I’m sorry we woke you.”
Romy’s nose curled, and he gagged a little. His hand flew up to cover his nose. “I never smelled anything so foul.”
She laughed. “Such is life with a baby. Believe me it’s much better since he started eating regular food. Newborn poop smells like nuclea
r waste.”
He might have turned green, but she couldn’t be sure in the dim lighting.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to stay. I’ll get him to quiet down in a little bit.”