Page 37 of False Pretenses

Nathan slapped him on the back too hard and smiled, leaning in close to the man. “How can you do that without arms?”

Alyssa bit off a curse. “I think I can get into the dining room under my own steam.”

She walked ahead of them, ignoring the muttered oaths from both men behind her. At the dinner table, Nathan held her chair and sat between her and his father, who headed the table. Lydia occupied the end opposite her husband, and Piper sat on her right. Rather than Cullen taking the seat next to Piper, he swiped the open spot on Alyssa’s right, and Emma sat next to Piper. Nathan’s glare should have struck the man dead.



Nathan glanced down at her when she caught his sleeve. She reached up to stroke his cheek and pressed her lips close to his ear.

“The jealousy thing is getting old. Can you tone it down? I think everybody gets it. I’m yours. It’s starting to be obvious that it’s fake.”

He blinked at her, and if she didn’t know better, she’d get the impression he thought her thickheaded. The insult rankled, and she scowled at him. Sensing Cullen had shifted closer to her, she turned in his direction. When his father engaged Nathan in conversation, Alyssa took the opportunity to question Cullen.

“I thought you were a chauffeur.”

His eyes widened. “I never said that.”

“You never said you were rich.”

“I’m not on the Cordes’ level. Believe me.”

She didn’t even bother to dignify that comment with a response, and he turned on the charm, covering her hand in her lap and stroking the skin. She tugged to get free, but he refused to let go.

“You’re a lying bastard. Let me go.”

His face almost met hers. The man was too obvious. “I only wanted you to give me a chance, Alyssa. When I first saw you get out of the car the day you arrived—”

“Wait, you knew I was here?”

“I only saw a beautiful woman I wanted to get to know.”

She thought back trying to remember if she and Nathan had shown each other affection to indicate they were a couple. Cullen might have thought her Nathan’s secretary, down to help him with work, or even a new servant. Because of who he was, he might have been hesitant in case he intimidated her.

“Forgive me,” he pleaded. “I never meant to hurt you.”

“Please, I’m hardly hurt. We don’t know each other like that.”

“Then say I’m forgiven. I promise I just wanted to get to know you better, and there wasn’t time to explain everything before my sister asked me to pose as Piper’s boyfriend.”

Alyssa peeked at the others around the table. No one appeared to pay them any mind at the moment. She lowered her voice a little more. “You know she’s gay?”

He nodded, his expression matter-of-fact.

“Can anyone get in on this conversation, or should we give you two time alone?” Piper snapped from across the table. Emma bumped her shoulder, but Piper glared at Alyssa.

Like I want to steal your fake-ass man.

She managed to retrieve her hand from Cullen’s grasp and twisted in her seat to meet Nathan’s furious stare. “How do you know him?”

She opened and closed her mouth a few times. Had he seen Cullen touch her? No, he couldn’t have. Something told her Nathan would have put Cullen on the floor, but that would take his act too far. “He was the guy on the beach.”

Nathan set his cloth napkin on the table, and she grabbed his arm.

“Nothing happened.” Why was she defending herself? He had no right to question her. Well, not entirely. Then she got it. This wasn’t about her. Cullen had arrived pretending to be Piper’s boyfriend, yet he kept hitting on Alyssa. Nathan wouldn’t stand for that kind of treatment of his sister.

The tedious dinner stretched on with Alyssa focused on Nathan, leaning into him and hanging on his every word, the devoted girlfriend. He reciprocated the affection, but a sixth sense told her his anger hadn’t cooled, perhaps directed at her and at Cullen. After a dessert of double chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream, which she refused, the family and their guests returned to the living room.